Starting a Business Blog: 6 Steps to Get Started (With Examples!)

Starting a Business Blog

Did you know that a quality business blog can bring in even more business? In this digital age, everyone is on the go and browsing for their needs online.

Without a high-quality blog, you are missing out on connecting with a broader audience and generating additional income?

Even though starting a business blog can seem intimidating, it’s a lot easier with these six helpful tips!

Choose A Blogging Platform

One of the most common and widely accessible blogging platforms is WordPress. They have a seamless and intuitive system that makes it easy to modify your blogs and layout as you go.

It’s free to use and offers countless free layouts and information for those just starting.

While it is free to host a blog through WordPress, it’s best to purchase and use a domain name through the site. This allows your customers to easily find you.

Don’t Forget to Add the Domain!

A domain is simply a name-ownership of your business blog. Think of it this way, instead of using your, your URL would be, or whatever web suffix you chose-, .net, .org, etc.

Plus, the free versions will have limits over time. By self-hosting or owning your site, you can start monetizing from it as well. It costs around $15 a year, plus an additional $8 a month. Remember, this is a great business expense that can be a long-term financial resource as well.

Make It Easy to Navigate

People go with their gut. If your blog is hard to navigate, doesn’t have clear links for readers to find their way around, or looks messy, it can deter your clients.

Luckily, adding small details can make your blog more user-friendly and mobile-friendly.

Start with clear navigation at the top of your blog. This will be where your clients can look for all information about past blogs, business services, and a contact page.

You can always add additional navigation throughout so that it’s easier for your audience to sift through your site with ease. 

Another key thing to remember is that it needs to look organized and cohesive. You want it to look aesthetically pleasing, which will help draw your audience’s interest and trust.

Nothing says “red flags” like a poorly organized or dull website. 

Establish a Brand

Blogs are a great way for small businesses to establish themselves and gather a larger online following. That’s why establishing your brand can be one of the trickiest and most important parts of creating your blog. 

Here are some great examples to help you!

  • Find Your Niche: While there may be thousands of business strategy blogs, there might be a need for your niche business. 
  • Cultivate Your Audience: The more specific you are with content creation, the more you’ll find customers with those specific needs.
  • Pick Interesting and Specific Topics: Make sure they are part of your blog’s main topics so that your customers know what to expect.
  • Create A Plan: to release your blogs at the same time each week or month so that your audience will also know when to expect them!
  • Stay True to Your Theme: From design layouts, images to your tone, stick to your theme so that people know what to expect. Also, people will appreciate the cohesive feel.

Build an Audience

Building an audience is a quintessential part of your business plan. This is your chance to connect with your readers on a personal level. 

By making it more about what you can offer your readers for free than what you can sell them, it will help build trust and keep people coming back for more.

A great way to build your audience is to provide them with helpful insight into their interests. For example, if your business blog is about plants, help teach them about proper drainage, what soils to use, and other things that plant lovers want to know.

Create An Email List

Make an email list, through Mailchimp or other systems, to keep your audience returning for more. Create incentives for people who chose to sign up, like offering discounts on the latest products.

Make it easy for them to subscribe to and share your blogs.

The more traffic you get to your blog, the greater audience you’ll get, and that will convert into sales. These individuals are also more likely to click on affiliate links for things you recommend.

Monetize Your Business Blog

Not only can a business blog be a great way to establish an online presence, but it can also create revenue. Utilize your blog to its full potential by creating a blog business plan.

While you’ll want to create a strong call to action that drives your customers to purchase something from your business, they might not always do so. That’s why utilizing your ad space, and affiliate link marketing is key! 

Display Ads

Display ads are ads generated on each website page. You can either sell ad space on your site to other companies or work with programs like Google Adsense.

While it’s not the most profitable at first, it could be as your audience grows larger.

Affiliate Links

An affiliate link is a direct link to a product you are recommending. This is a great way to tie in advertisements of products similar to your business. You can earn a commission and get paid for each page view every time someone checks out specific sites- like Amazon, eBay, or Clickbank. 

Essentially, the more traffic that clicks on these ads from your site, the more you earn an income. Pretty great, huh? 


So you’ve created some quality blogs and established your brand, now what? People are looking for the best business blogs, and you need to get noticed!

Check out some key ways to do that below:

  • SEO Keywords: Use strategic keywords to help get natural traffic from Google. This will increase your rating on Google so that your blog doesn’t get lost behind other companies. 
  • Outsource With a Specialist: Choosing the right SEO keywords can be tricky. Thankfully, working with a marketing strategist like Jasdeep Singh can make a difference. He will help you analyze data, work with target search engine optimization keywords, solidify your brand and other issues.
  • Share Your Blog: There are so many social media platforms now. Utilize them through promotions! A specialist can also help you choose which ones are best!

Starting a Business Blog in 2021

As you can see, starting a business blog is an easy way to build and engage with your customers, offer incentives, and boost your company’s ability to reach a greater audience.

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