Online Quran memorization course

Quran memorization course

It is a dream of every Muslim to memorize the holy Quran because it is the Holy book of Muslims sent by Allah tala to the beloved prophet Peace Be upon Him. There are so many rewards for memorizing the Holy Quran but every Muslim cannot do this because of a lack of time or the unavailability of appropriate Islamic teachers. If you are also one of those willing to memorize the Holy Quran but are unable for any reason, your problem is solved. The online digital world has covered many barriers. Now one can take another person’s facilities with only a single click even if they are millions of miles apart.  Similar is the case with online memorization courses. 

Aim of the Online Quran Memorization Course

The basic aim and goal of the Online Quran memorization course is to allow all Muslims or at least maximum Muslims to learn and memorize the Quran. The Quran is a key to success to all Muslims. It teaches us each lesson about life and guides us in all aspects of our daily routine. Through the Online Quran Memorization Course, most Muslims can learn it and memorize it. Memorizing the Holy Quran is not obligatory for Muslims but the rewards after memorizing the Quran are too much that compel a Muslim to memorize it and succeed in this world as well as in the world hereafter. 

What does a student learn from an online Quran memorization course?

There are several things that a student learns from online Quran memorization classes. In these classes, students is not only made to memorize the Quran simply. Along with this he or she also learns so many other things related to the Holy Quran. These are enlisted below. 

The student learns to memorize the Quran or any of its portions with correct pronunciation and accurate Tajweed rules.

He also learns to Understand the meaning and interpretation of the verses memorized.

The student is also made to learn the place, reason, and time of the revelation of each surah.

After this course, the student can easily recall any surah.

by the online memorization lessons, students can also recite the Quran beautifully like expert Qaris.

The special about the Online Quran memorization course

Several features make Online Quran memorization course very special like

  • In Online Quran memorization classes the ability, potency, capability, and, tendency factors of every individual are separately considered.
  • The tutor specifically focuses on one student according to his skills and allows them to communicate freely in the Quran lessons.
  • These online classes are considered very significant because of their amazing results as students get ample time to revise their hifz portions under the supervision of the tutor.
  • In our online Quranic memorization lessons, students learn the specific syllabus step by step, hence it saves much time for both the tutor and the student.

Outcomes of Our Quran Memorization Classes

There is a clear difference between the students who learn and memorize the Holy Quran on their own and the students who learn the Quran from online Quran memorization courses. The teachers of this course put in their supreme efforts to meet the targets set at the beginning. There are several significant outcomes of learning from online Quran memorization courses. These outcomes are:

Efficient retaining techniques

The students who learn from online Quran memorization classes also develop efficient retaining techniques for memorizing the Quran that help them throughout their lives. 

Beautified voices

The student also becomes an expert on Beautified voices by constant practice and imitation of Qaris.

Understanding of Tafsir

Understanding of tafseer is an additional benefit that a student gets from these online classes. Through these classes, the student himself develops an ambition and love to learn tafseer. 

Hifz proficiency

Student gets highly proficient in reciting the holy Quran from wherever been asked.

Capable of teaching others

After completing the online memorizing course successfully the student learns several Hifz tips that help him out in teaching others easily.

Memorization with tajweed

This course also allows students to learn and memorize the Quran with all the rules of tajweed perfectly.

Features of online Quran memorization course

There are specific features of online Quran memorization course. These are

Personalized schedule

In online classes, the greatest benefit that one can achieve is that he can set his personalized schedule according to his routine. If he wants to take classes at night he can select that schedule. If he stays free in the morning then he can select the morning schedule for memorizing the Holy Quran. 

These courses have hired numerous teachers who are available around the clock.

Weekly Progress Reports

In online classes, the weekly report of the student is made available and generated to keep a record of the activity and performance of every student. So based on the previous weekly report, the student can improve his outcome in the coming report.

Monthly tests

In online memorization classes, monthly tests are conducted among the students to boost their morale. Competitions are announced earlier with full details of Surah/juz names to let students prepare well.

Hifz Certificates

At the end of the course, all the regular students are awarded completion certificates whether they learn a single surah or the entire Quran.

Fee plans

The fee plans for these classes are very reasonable. It allows every Muslim from lower economic countries to be admitted to the class and learn the Quran. In this way, the knowledge and love of the Quran spreads across the world and no one is deprived of Islamic learning and Quranic memorization. 


Online memorization courses are the best initiative to spread the Quran across the globe and to allow Muslims to memorize the Quran regardless of their busy schedule. One other feature that the online classes have provided to its students is that they do not need to leave their homes to attend the classes. They can take their lessons from their homes or workstations comfortably.