As a business owner, you need a website that runs efficiently, is completely secure and performs exactly how you need it to. Maintaining a website is a lot of work, but managed hosting providers can make it easier for you.
What are managed hosting service providers and how can they help you? In this guide, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about them. In the end, you can decide if using managed hosting services is right for your business.
We’ll also discuss some of the best managed hosting providers available today. Let’s get started.
What Can Managed Hosting Providers Do For You?
When you use managed hosting for websites, the providers handle the administrative side of your website. They help you with the following:
- They provide round-the-clock support
- They maintain your website’s infrastructure
- They provide virus and spam protection and
- They monitor for any performance issues
They also manage your hardware and keep your website updated so that it always functions and runs quickly.
When you don’t use a managed hosting provider, you pretty much have to do everything yourself. Understanding how to set up, maintain, and protect a website is a specialized skill, which is why most business owners prefer to leave it to managed hosting providers.
Previously, your business may have opted for a private hosting setup complete with an entire department dedicated to its maintenance. The appeal of using a managed cloud hosting provider like Cloudways vs a traditional private host is fairly obvious — by choosing the former, there’s no need for an in-house squad of specialists, or expensive on-site servers. Managed hosting is a simple solution with industry-grade speed, security and reliability baked in.
Without a provider, security issues, slow load times, and server crashes are all your responsibility to fix. When you use a managed hosting provider, you can call or chat with them 24/7 to get the website help you need.
Managed Hosting Providers and Website Security
One of the best services that managed hosting providers give you is help with website security. These days, it’s easy for websites to get hacked without you even knowing about it.
Managed hosting providers are monitoring for cyber threats and attacks. They also provide several types of spam and virus protection to make sure your website is secure.
If you are running an online business where you store customer’s personal and financial information, it’s crucial to have a secure site.
The Best Managed Hosting Providers
There are several high-quality managed hosting providers, but our favorite is Namecheap. They are a managed WordPress hosting provider that can handle all the backend issues so you can focus on other aspects of your business.
They also offer great security services and add-ons, like a VPN for Windows 10.
Namecheap is the most inexpensive managed hosting provider, and they offer top-tier service whenever you need help with your website.
Should You Use Managed Hosting For Your Website?
If you’re a business owner, using managed hosting providers for your website instead of doing it all yourself will make your life much easier. Plus, it’s good for business.
Nothing turns customers away faster than a nonfunctioning or slow website. They also want to know that your website is secure so that they can trust you.
You will love the round-the-clock support you get for your website when you managed hosting, and providers like Namecheap offer inexpensive options.
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