How to Combat Trojan in Windows 10?


If you are a computer user, then Trojan demands your attention. Confused? Well, if you are surfing the internet for quite some time, then you might be aware of different viruses roaming freely. Among them, this is perhaps the most deadly one. 

You might have heard of viruses hacking computers, and counter.wmail-service is one such potent virus. Here, we must tell you that this virus can hack your system instantly, stealing all sensitive information. If you are an internet user, then you should go through this article and find out all about the virus. Trojan: What is it?

As we mentioned earlier, counter.wmail-service is a virus infamous for its ability to hack and steal sensitive data. In fact, it is a variation of the Trojan, which is wreaking havoc across the globe. This virus is capable of sneaking into your system without your knowledge, like an annoying, uninvited guest to spoil the party. So, my friend, it is anything but good news. 

Now, as we are here to know about this Trojan, you might be curious to know its abilities. Well, its abilities will stun you and leave you with a feeling of discomfort. It is a highly efficient thief which can steal all your sensitive information, affecting your system badly. However, as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, we also have the perfect solution to this virus. 

What is it

The Entry Of Trojan

Well, now that we know about this Trojan, the next thing which might trouble our mind is its mode of entry. For that, you must be aware of the various entry points of this virus into your system:

  • As an Email attachment
  • Through sketchy websites with buttons like “CLICK HERE”
  • Outdated operating systems and software Trojan: Dangers

  • The first and most deadly danger is data theft. Like a professional and sneaky thief, it can take away all your sensitive data, much to your ignorance.
  • Any uncalled-for access to your system is equal to a breach of privacy. 
  • This virus is also capable of inflicting a financial loss on you by stealing your credit and ATM details. 


The Possible Solutions

Here, you must know as the virus can have multiple entry modes, the solutions are also varied. The possible way outs are: 

Updating Operating System

We definitely agree with you that updating an OS is a tedious job. But, doing it is a great way to get rid of the Trojan. You must know here that any outdated OS is more susceptible to Trojans. An update not only makes your system fast but also fixes bugs and patches security loopholes. 

Using A Trusted Antivirus Program

We all love superheroes. Isn’t it? Well, in that case, you must know that an Antivirus and Anti-Malware program is a superhero for your computer. Such a program with a ton of positive reviews will detect and remove harmful software like the counter.wmail-service. com and other nasty malware. 

Using A Trusted Antivirus Program

Avoiding Untrusted Sites

Do you give a stranger the keys to your house? The sure answer is in the negative. Just like that, downloading files from an untrusted source can gift your system a Trojan. So, prevention is better than cure! Avoid untrusted sites for downloading files.

Making Back-Up A Regular Duty

These Trojans can make your computer slow, eventually crashing it. So, just to be on the safer side, you should backup your essential files regularly. 

Final Words

Like our human body, our computers also are vulnerable to viruses like the Trojan. However, if you are aware and systematic, then you can help your computer lead a healthy life. 

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