Scary Simpsons Predictions For 2023 – Learn More About The Prediction

Simpsons Predictions George Floyd

All of us know about The black lives matter movement and the George Floyd incident, right? However, did you know that people believed the Simpsons predictions George Floyd news? Yes, people believe that the American cartoon show predicted the death of George Floyd way back.

Somebody circulated a picture on the internet about Simpson’s prediction of the George Floyd incident. The picture showed Springfield Police Chief Clancy Wiggum kneeling on a black man’s neck. In fact, Lisa Simpson stood behind the police and held a sign ‘Justice For George’.

So, that picture on the internet bears an uncanny resemblance to the real George Floyd incident. Therefore a lot of people think that Simpsons predictions George Floyd news is true.

On this note, it’s worth mentioning that on 25th May, Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin fatally knelt on George Floyd’s neck. During that time, George Floyd was choked to death. This incident had raised a lot of debates all over the world and people also came up to protest such a behavior. In fact, this is the reason why a section of society started ‘the black lives matter’ movement.

If you want to know more about those Simpsons predictions George Floyd news then you are at the right place. So, in this article, we will talk about whether the prediction is true or not.

Episode Where Simpson Predicted George Floyd’s Death

Well, the eerie picture definitely seems to have portrayed the incident quite comprehensively. However, it’s not quite true because the picture on the internet is a fake one. There’s no episode in The Simpson where we could come across such a scene. In other words, somebody played a trick and made that picture viral on the internet.

So, on 30th May, five days after the demise of George Floyd, an Insta user Yuri Pomo shared that image. He created that picture where Chief Wiggum kelt on a black man and Lisa Simpson held a sign. Apparently, it felt like a genuine image but the ardent fans of the Simpsons said that no, it’s a fake one. Therefore, if you were wondering whether The Simpsons Predictions George Floyd news is true or not, well, it’s false news.

The Insta user in the caption said, “Imagine you’re sat with your daughter/son watching the Simpson…and all of a sudden this scene happens in the show…as cruel as it has been, no jokes, no irony, nothing that the Simpsons normally has…and what it’s loved for..”

So, as we said earlier, this pic is a fake one and it was Pomo who made it. According to his profile, he is an artist who rose to fame with his skills. Currently, the mods of Insta have blurred the picture with the message ‘False Information’.

Other Predictions Of Simpson: Minneapolis Police Station Fire

Apart from the news of Simpsons predictions George Floyd, there are other pressing predictions of the Simpson show. For example, there’s a collage where we see the Minneapolis police station building on fire. Well, this time the prediction is somewhat ‘half true’. In other words, the Springfield police station fire picture did come to the show. However, it was an out-of-context thing and didn’t relate to this incident at all.

Apart from these predictions, Simpson has made numerous other predictions and some of them did come true. However, it’s also true that there are numerous fake pictures on the internet as well. Therefore, we just cannot think everything to be true here. For example, there was a fake Simpson image on Trump.

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