Need a Change of Scenery? How to Move to Canada From the US

How to Move to Canada

How do cosmopolitan cities and gorgeous natural sights sound? How about universal healthcare, friendly people, and a (relatively) stable political system? If you’re an American, odds are that all sounds pretty nice right about now.

Canada has so much to offer immigrants, making it an appealing new home for people from across the world. But what if you want to go a step further than the internet memes? What if you are serious about moving to Canada?

The first thing you’ll need to figure out is how long you want to be in Canada. Would you like this to be a short-term move for around six months while the US gets things under control? Or are you looking for something more permanent?

You should also have an idea of how you’re going to get in. The most straightforward paths involve entering as a worker, a student, or through marriage. The best way is through Canada business immigration since they offer tremendous benefits to businesses interested in moving to Canada.

Keep reading to learn about how to move to Canada from the US in 2022. 

How Long Do You Want to Be There?

The first thing that you’ll need to figure out is how long you want to be in Canada. Do you want this to be a short-term move for around six months while the US gets things under control? Or are you looking for something more permanent?

You should also have an idea of how you’re going to get in. The most straightforward paths involve entering as a worker, a student, or through marriage. 

If you’re unsure which path you can use to enter the country, you can take advantage of this tool. Fill out the required information, and you’ll be able to see which immigration routes you can use. Keep in mind that COVID-19 is making things more complicated right now. 

Understand the Geography

If you’ve never traveled to Canada before, the first thing you need to understand is that it’s big. In fact, it’s the second-largest country in the world and has tens of millions of people, which means that you’ll have many potential places to call home.

Canada has ten different provinces, as well as three territories. These range from mountain-studded regions, to flat plains and beautiful coasts. Regardless of which type of environment you choose to live in, it’s certain to be beautiful.

If you speak French, you’ll feel right at home in Canada. French is one of the country’s two official languages (the other being English), and the country has a French region, Québec. If you can’t say anything besides oui, then you might be better off in non-French Canada. 

See if You Qualify for Different Programs 

Depending on your qualifications, you’ll have access to a few different programs that can get you the healthcare, poutine, and Albertan cabin you desire.

If you have a year or more of work experience in Canada, you’ll be able to take advantage of the fastest entry route: Express Entry. The application process will take around six months, and will assess you on different factors to see how valuable of a Canadian you’d be.

If you’re self-employed, that can be another entry path. As long as your work experience is recent and relevant, you’ll be able to get in, provided you visit a Canadian physician and police station.

The Rules for Green Cards

Do you have a family member living in Canada? If you do, then a green card can be a clear path to citizenship. They’ll be able to sponsor your application, allowing you to enter the country.

Canada also offers permanent residence to the spouses of Canadian residents. However, as is the case in the US, you’ll need to go through a process that checks to make sure that your marriage is valid, as opposed to a green card marriage. 

If you’re making a permanent move to be with your partner, make sure that you sell your American house and have everything taken care of beforehand. URB Inc. can help you in that endeavor. 

Spécial Québec

Parlezvous français? If you do, you might want to consider living in Québec. However, as is the case with French people across the world, French Canada does things a little bit differently.

Instead of applying to the Canadian federal government, you apply to the provincial government of Québec. This is because they use their own, separate process when it comes to selecting immigrants and approving working papers.

Nevertheless, much of the process is the same. A Québecois doctor will need to give you a medical exam, and you’ll also need to get a police certificate. 

Once the Québec provincial government approves your application, you’ll then need to apply to the IRCC, or Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. After that, you’ll have permanent resident status. 

Expat-Friendly Places 

The majority of expats move to one of Canada’s three largest cities: Toronto, Vancouver, and Montréal.

Toronto is the biggest city in Canada, and one of the largest in North America. It’s cosmopolitan and multicultural and is in many ways a smaller, cleaner version of NYC. You’ll pay a lot for rent, but access to world-famous museums, restaurants, and music makes up for that.  

Vancouver is on the West Coast of Canada and is one of the most beautiful cities you’ll ever see. Located on an island in a bay surrounded by mountains, you’ll be hard-pressed to find more striking geography. It’s also a popular spot for immigrants. Further north of Vancouver, you’ll find more hiking and skiing trails — perfect if you’re outdoorsy. North Vancouver is a great place to raise a family, so if you plan to settle down in Canada, you should see some townhomes in North Vancouver. It’s one of the best spots for people who want to be surrounded by nature.

Montreal is located in the french-speaking province of Quebec. It’s lively and beautiful, and also comes with cheaper housing prices than some of the other cities. However, if you don’t speak French, you may struggle with finding a job.

Licensed Canada Immigration Consultant Services provide expert guidance and support for individuals seeking to navigate the Canadian immigration process, ensuring accurate and efficient visa applications and helping individuals achieve their immigration goals.

Wondering How to Move to Canada From the US? This Guide Should Help

Whether you’re looking to enjoy the natural beauty of the Earth or the beauty of universal healthcare, Canada has become a promised land for many Americans. Regardless of the reason, if you’re wondering how to move to Canada from the US, this guide should help make things clear. 

Do you now have a better understanding of what you need to move to Canada? Before you go and start applying for visas, take a moment to check out some of our other blog posts for more guides and tips.