How To Make Your Essay Longer: Eight Hacks

Make Your Essay Longer

Writing an essay is no cakewalk. You have to research the topic, come up with your main statement, think through the structure, and engage your audience. And when the process becomes too tedious or if you’re running out of time, you prefer to get custom essay help instead of completing everything on your own. That’s what I was thinking about while trying to meet all the requirements and worrying about the right word count in the first place.

In many cases, when I type my essay and run the word count check, I discover I am far behind the word count needed – this is a huge disappointment. After you have exhausted your arguments but still have fewer words than required, it is common to fall into the bottomless pit of questions about how to beef up your word count. The best way to make our essay longer without wrecking our hard work is by focusing on methods that work.

We must employ the following steps if we are to write good enough write-ups and at the same time meet the required word count like Henrique Bertulino, Studybay’s writing expert. Today, we will learn how to work with texts by using eight hacks. These include :

Clearly Describe What You Want To Say

Make Your Essay Longer

You can lengthen your essay by using descriptive writing while strengthening it at the same time. Defining a concept or idea in vivid detail is descriptive writing, as its name suggests.

Explain your point in more detail and present it in a clear manner, instead of just using short phrases.

It’s important to incorporate all five of your senses when writing descriptively, it does not just make your write-up longer but also relatable.

Although this hack may not be applicable in every situation, ensure you use it whenever possible as it will greatly increase the amount of text in your document.

By using sensory information, vivid details, and metaphorical language in our writing, we enhance the rate at which words are spent, giving our work an added layer of credibility and depth, as well as increasing readers’ imaginations. In case you are prone to the problem of not having enough words, this is an important part of your writing to build.

This can be adopted through the following ways:

  • Make use of your imagination

  • Show your readers, don’t tell them

  • Choose active rather than static words

  • Speak from a point of view

  • Don’t use weak but interesting adjectives

  • Paint a picture

  • Make use of alternate words

  • Train yourself to write creatively

Employ Reverse Outlining

Experts use a technique called reverse outlining to make their essays longer. Reverse outlining is the act of removing any supporting writing from a document and leaving only the core points or key concepts that are often expressed by the essay’s topic sentences. Since you’re focusing on the primary elements of the essay you produced, a reverse outline offers a structured view of your essay’s parts.

A reverse outline helps you:

  • Check to see if your essay achieves its purpose.

  • Locate areas where you can elaborate on your analysis or evidence.

  • Examine whether your structure or organization can cause readers to become confused.

You can create your reverse outline using the following steps:

  • For you to have a clearer perspective of the concept you implemented, start with a thorough draft. You can also use a rough draft to check the structure of the sections you’ve prepared so far.

  • In one blank page, list the key idea of every section in your manuscript to create the outline. You should then paste the main point of a section in the outline but as a recap for that section if it presents a condensed rendition of the section’s argument. Alternatively, write a summary with just one sentence of important points represented in that section.

  • For easy referencing, make sure you have your list numbered.

Represent Data Through Statistics

Numbers have a lot of power. They do not just increase the size of your essay, but can also be used to back up your assertions or convince your audience. Examine your work for sentences that could benefit from statistical support and add them.

What matters is that they’re related to the issue, offer worth to the writing, and are easily interpreted by your readers.

Since we typically derive data from previous studies or reference books, ensure you only use data from reliable sources, because when you do not, you will line yourself up for troubles.

Seeing as data contains facts, including numbers in your argument, can help to give your essay more context and believability. When you use data, your audience is significantly more inclined to believe you. Statistics, which emphasize the issue’s conceptual importance, support the writer’s argument. Statistics offer a sort of proof that is tough to reject.

Relevant statistics can help you in the following ways:

  • Make your case more compelling.

  • Present objective data so that you can argue different points of view.

  • Set the scene for an argument.

But you should know that:

  • Statistics alone aren’t enough to create a case for you.

  • You should always interpret the statistics you employ so they can fit into the point you want to make.

  • These should be treated as evidence that needs interpretation and not as finished data

Make Good Use of Transition Words

A competent writer knows how to move from point A to point B while keeping the audience interested. That is precisely what you should strive for when writing your essays.

Make Your Essay Longer

This hack, on the other hand, is useful when you need to lengthen your essay. But what are transition words?

Words such as “in other words,” “as a result,” “most importantly,” and “in the same vein” serve as transition words. They define the connection between words, phrases, sentences, and even sections of your essay to the reader. You make it simpler for the audience to comprehend how your ideas and concepts are interconnected when you employ them. And there’s more. They set the tone for what’s to come.

Types of Transition Words

Depending on what type of transition you plan on making, transition words can be categorized into numerous categories. When it comes to transitions, there are often multiple options. They don’t always have the same meaning, and there are occasions when they do. Some of the different categories and their examples include:

  • Cause and Effect: Therefore, as a result, so, consequently.

  • Clarification: That is to say, in other words, to clarify.

  • Contrast: But, however, on the other hand.

  • Example: For example, for instance.

  • Emphasis: Above all, most importantly, certainly.

  • Enumeration: Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition.

  • Time: Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that.

  • Similarity: Likewise, similarly, in the same vein.

  • Summarize/conclude: In conclusion, to sum up, in short.

How To Use Transition Words

With transition words, there may be a few potential stumbling blocks. The good news is that everyone makes use of them in some sort. Only a few writers avoid using these words. However, not everyone is born with the ability to use them correctly. Using transition phrases effectively necessitates a few factors. You must do the following:

  • Understand the transition words

  • Have a good understanding of the connections between different concepts and opinions in your text

  • Understand how to use transition words correctly and in context.

Avoid Abbreviations and Contractions

Although there is no wrong in adopting contractions in your work, these can give your essay a more informal feel. Substitute your contractions with their extended equivalents if you want your work to be more lengthy and sound more serious (for formal writers).

Additionally, abbreviations can come across as loose, and they may not always be the top pick for an essay.

Though contractions can be quite effective in writing, many experts advise against using them in formal write-ups. Contractions are generally improper for academic publications, corporate lectures, and other sorts of formal correspondence since they provide a light and casual feel to your work.


There’s a good chance that whatever you want to say has already been said better by another person. Making use of quotes is an excellent approach to begin or end an article. You should also be able to interpret the quotes in your own words.

Draw Analogies, Make Examples

You understand how arguments work: you make a claim and then support it with facts. And you give specific examples. There’s no rule that says  you must only provide one.  It’s better if there are a lot of them.More arguments in your essay will give it more depth and increase appeal.

Make Use of Illustrations

Employing the use of illustrations make your essays longer and more interesting – it’s always better to support your facts with graphs, illustrations, screenshots, etc. This will help to convey your topic with precision, remember: only appropriate images.


It’s never a good feeling realizing you have to go over everything again because you failed to meet the required word count. Use these eight hacks to make your essay longer whenever you want to.

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