How To Make Sure That You Are Choosing The Right Office Space For You

Office Space

Where is your business? You might like to think it’s everywhere, metaphorically speaking. However, right now, it might literally be based in just one office that’s a little too small for its burgeoning workforce – or, worse, at your home. That’s not exactly ideal for conveying a professional image to clients.

So, sooner or later, you could need to find your company its own office space – perhaps even for the first time. What factors should you closely consider as you weigh up the options open to you?

What type of work your business does 

Information Age says this should be your “first consideration” as you look for office space – as whatever space you eventually settle on must be large enough for the workers, equipment, supplies and so forth you know will all need to be in that space at peak times.

Neglecting this particular consideration would risk you lumbering yourself with a cluttered workspace which could curb your team’s productivity or even be dangerous.

How much you would need to pay to use the space

It’s evidently a subjective judgment what aspect of an office space is the most crucial, as the Bplans website describes price as “probably the most important factor to most businesses when they’re choosing a new office.”

Price undoubtedly remains important in any case, though – as, if your budget is tight, this will naturally limit your options from the start. You could also find yourself getting stung by hidden costs if you fail to ask the office provider about these beforehand.

There is actually a big difference between value and the price that the space has. Experience is the key and after getting the space, the most effective way for getting rid of a few unnecessarily spent dollars is getting space sensors to solve the problems related to productively occupying any part of the space once and for all. After seeing the reports and insights, If the value provided price ratio doesn’t correspond to your needs, then it is time to change the way you use that space.

Where the office is located  

If you can nab an office in a prime location, this would bode well for your company’s brand image later down the line. While on the subject of lines, your office should also ideally be located somewhere with strong public transport connections, as this would make it easier for staff and clients to get there.

Renting one of the serviced offices in the Victoria area of central London, for example, would land you a workplace near both the St James’s Park tube station and Victoria railway station.

What infrastructure the office has  

This is another incentive for you to opt for a serviced office, as various useful features – like reliable internet and telephone connectivity – could easily be included as part of the overall package.

Hence, you wouldn’t need to go through the hassle of, say, getting a line connected and shelling out a monthly fee on top of whatever you had already agreed to pay just to lease the office space itself.

How the office looks inside and out  

This can play a big part in how clients perceive your brand when they drop by your office. If this workplace comes across as sloppily maintained, the client could too easily assume that this reflects how your company approaches its work – even if no-one from your company was responsible for decorating this office.

An article posted by Business Partner Magazine warns that the interior design is “extremely important, especially if renowned clients often visit your office.”