How to Make a Travel Video That People Watch

Travel Video

Gone are the days of few people capturing their travel adventures. Today, there are plenty of travel videos on the internet. Therefore, travel bloggers, content creators, and vloggers face cutthroat competition. One needs to have a Unique Selling Point or USP to beat the competition.

If you are also looking for ideas to create unique and high-quality travel videos, you have come to the right place. We will take you through the different ways one can create travel videos that people will watch!

Ways to make a travel video that people will watch:  

Here are some ways to make good travel videos:p-

1.  Capture good quality content

Video making online is an extensive process. However, it always almost begins with shooting high-quality content. Here are the various ways to ensure that the content you capture is worthwhile:

  • Steadiness: Capturing steady videos is much easier with a tripod. However, a tripod restricts mobility. Therefore, one must not get overly dependent on it. It is significant to learn how to keep your hands steady while taking pictures or videos. Steadily captured shots look professional and visually appealing. If you find it demanding to take a stable shot, rest your hand on a steady object. With the right grip, it is easier to maintain steadiness.
  • Adjust the lighting: Outdoor video shooting and indoor video shooting require different setups. While natural lighting assists the outdoor shoots, the same is not the case with indoor shoots. If you cannot add more light sources to your indoor shoot, try using the already available sources, like television and laptop screens. When shooting outdoors, ensure that you make the best use of sun-lit spaces.
  • Monitor the sounds: If you are shooting in an outdoorsy setting, consciously ensure that you do not capture any unnecessary sounds like honking cars or people chatting loudly in the background. Such noises are difficult to edit out in the end. Therefore, monitoring sounds ensures that your editing process is relatively easy.
  • Indulge in some creativity: While most people are aware of the creative process behind editing, they neglect the creativity shooting requires. Experimenting with different angles, props, and perspectives will help you create content that stands out. 

2.  Utilize a standard video tool

The procedure of video making is incomplete without a quality tool for video making online. Here are the following features that an ideal video editor must have:

  • Vast music library: Different kinds of travel videos require you to add different genres of music in the background. The video editor you are choosing must give you access to royalty-free music. The creator’s work is reduced manifold with all the musical pieces in one place.
  • Customizable templates: A travel videographer might want to create advertisements, promos, introduction videos, etc. One template won’t suffice all these needs. Therefore, one needs access to a video editing tool to customize templates as per their requirements. If you are new to video editing, you must opt for an editor that has ready-to-use templates.
  • Variety of video editing features: Editing travel videos is a complex procedure. One needs access to a variety of editing features to get the desired result. Therefore, you must go for a video editor that has all the essential editing features like transitions, stickers, crop, trim, etc.
  • Tutorials: Every video tool works differently. One can save a lot of time and energy if the tool comes with a tutorial. This option is especially useful to those who are new to video creation and editing.

3.  Add fun elements to your travel video content

Travel videos might get boring without the correct elements. The best part about choosing a standard editing tool is that it enables its users to add interesting elements like GIFs, fluid animations, music, and more. The following components can help you create exciting travel videos:

  • Storytelling: When you assign a plot to your travel video, you ensure that it becomes interesting. You can narrate your story through voice-overs.
  • Music: Nothing is more mundane than a travel video without the appropriate background score. You can add a relevant soundtrack to keep things interesting.
  • GIFs and animations: The key to adding GIFs is not overdoing them. Adding GIFs in the right amount will take away the monotony from your travel videos. You can also add quirky animations to add to the fun element of your video.
  • Transitions: Carrying out smooth transitions is essential for creating professional-looking videos. Haphazardly combining various clips will make your video look thoroughly unprofessional. However, if you transition smoothly, it will give a great feel to your travel video.

4.  Make consistent efforts

Making consistent efforts is of utmost significance to gain traction. The more videos you create, the more people will get to watch your content. Gone are the days when you had to choose between quality and quantity. Today, you can strike a healthy balance between the two using video editing tools. Video editors enable you to create quality travel videos quickly. Posting travel videos regularly on social media platforms will fetch you the following benefits:

  • Incremented brand awareness: When you post travel videos consistently, you tend to engage with a larger audience. More people will get to know about your travel page, business, or brand. Therefore, if you want to catch the attention of more people, posting videos regularly is the key.
  • Increased conversion rates: If you own a travel business or brand, converting potential customers into real-time clients is essential for you. You can achieve this when you post travel content regularly. Your brand’s visibility is directly proportional to its conversion rates. Therefore, consistent posting is aidful.
  • Better customer satisfaction: When you post regularly, you retain your clientele. Seldom posting might cause a sense of disinterestedness in your viewers. Similarly, when you engage with your clients frequently, they view you as a trusted brand.

5.  Promote your video intelligently

Reaching out to the target audience is a huge task. If you want travel enthusiasts to engage with your content, you must know how to promote it. For instance, you must use relevant hashtags while posting travel videos on social networking sites. Using the right hashtags will increment your reach manifold. Similarly, you should utilize various social media tools effectively. Create a business account on Instagram and use the ‘Insights’ option to track your engagement. Promoting your video in the right way will certainly help you reach out to more people.

A sim-only contract is a good idea because you’ll always have internet access, even while you’re on the road, and you’ll be able to post and manage your video material online.


Catching viewers’ attention might seem a difficult task with the increase in the number of travel bloggers and creators. However, one can beat the competition by creating quality content, using the right editing tools, making consistent efforts, etc. Therefore, by creating and posting quality travel videos, one can gain a great deal of traction.