How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Car?

Cost to Ship a Car
Some cnew cars in a car transport. Truck car carrier

Are you getting ready to move to a new city, a new state, or even a new country? If so, you might want to try to ship a car as opposed to attempting to get it there yourself.

Transporting a car through an auto shipping company can save you a lot of time and money. It can also help you avoid putting too much wear and tear on your vehicle.

Before you consider calling on an auto transport company for help, though, you should find out the cost to ship a car. It’ll usually cost somewhere between $600 and $1,000, but it’ll depend on several key factors.

Learn more about these factors below.


When you ship a car, one of the most important factors when it comes to the cost of doing it will be the distance the car will travel. The further your final destination is, the more it’s going to cost to ship a car.

You should be able to get some idea of how much your car shipping cost will be by Googling something like “ship car to another state.” This should help you find out what it’ll cost you to ship a car to different states throughout the country.

Type of Auto Transport

There are a couple of ways you can have a car shipped to another city, state, or country. You can put it on the back of an open-air truck or have it taken in an enclosed truck if you would like.

The first option will almost always be cheaper than the second one. But at the same time, shipping a car in the open air will leave it exposed to the elements. It’s something you’ll need to keep in mind while deciding which option you like more.

Car Shipping Company

At the end of the day, the car shipping company you call on for help could be the determining factor with regard to your car shipping cost. Not every company is going to charge you the same price to ship a car.

For this reason, you shouldn’t hesitate to get your hands on as many car shipping cost quotes as you can. It’ll help you figure out which companies will be able to assist you with transporting a car for the most affordable prices.

If you’re looking to ship your car safely and efficiently that provides excellent service at an affordable price, click here to get a quote from our trusted car shipping company.

See What It’ll Cost to Ship a Car

Shipping a car from point A to point B can be a really smart idea. It’ll benefit you and your car in so many ways.

But prior to agreeing to let an auto transport company ship a car for you, you should see what it’s going to cost you to do it. You’ll be able to get the best deal possible by reaching out to different companies to see what their rates look like.

Would you like to read more articles that’ll help you take care of your car? Find them by poking around on the rest of our blog.

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