How Did Google Celebrate Its Nineteenth Birthday?

Google Birthday Surprise Spinner

Google celebrated its nineteenth birthday with an amazing Doodle that had Google birthday surprise spinner. It had quizzes and interactive music lessons. This Doodle featured on the Google homepage showed a surprise spinner which randomly selects 19 surprises. Many could find the popular cricket game and also a snake game. It popped up and reminded people of the old days. Further, like that there were nineteen surprises. If you can’t get the Google birthday surprise spinner then don’t worry. You can search in Google for it to find it. 

Google was celebrating its nineteenth birthday throughout the year. Overall it was an amazing thing for the people using Google. Google said “They say life is full of surprises, and Google’s history is chock-full of them. In fact, we wouldn’t be here without them,” and continued by sharing “In 1997, one of Google’s co-founders, Larry Page, had just arrived at Stanford University to pursue his P.h.D in computer science. Of all the students on campus, Google’s other co-founder, Sergey Brin, was randomly assigned to show Page around. This chance encounter was the happy surprise that started it all”. These were some of the words shared by Google on account of its birthday.

Google Birthday Surprise Spinner & Snake

You can find all the other details about the Google birthday surprise spinner here. 

  • Snake game 

The old school snake game where the user has to control the snake to eat a fruit is one of the additions in the spinner. Also, it was amazing to play the game. Also the snake grows when it eats a fruit and the longer you guide the snake without eating the wall or itself the longer the game will be. Plus, the game is an arcade that dates back to the 1970s. 

  • Cricket game 

Google unveiled the cricket game earlier on its nineteenth year. It is one of the popular games in the Doodle. Plus, as cricket is one of the most loved sports in the world Google added this game too. 

  • Earth Day Quiz

It is an interactive window which helps you find out what animal you are. It is a scientific quiz and many celebrities and popular personalities took the quiz. 

  • Hip Hop Game

This is another popular game added in the Doodle. In this you can choose between arrays of songs to choose from. 

  • Oskar Fischinger Visual Music Composition Creator

This Doodle surprise shows a musical composition created to honor filmmaker and artist Oskar Fischinger. 

  • Breathing Exercise

Are you feeling stressed out? Then this Doodle surprise will help you with the breathing exercise. 

  • Tic Tac Toe

If you want to play Tic Tac Toe then you can play it with Google in this game. 

  • Google 15th Birthday Game

This is a great birthday game which you can play and have fun. 

  • Scoville Game

Google celebrated the birthday of Wilbur Scoville with this amazing game. 

  • Arpeggios Music Lab

It features a bunch of cool interactive that allows you to play or learn about the music. 

  • Animal Sounds

If you are not sure what sound an animal makes you can try the animal sounds feature. 

  • Pac Man

You favorite Pac man is back. Play the game in the Google birthday surprise spinner. 

  • Beethoven Game

You can help the composer Beethoven to re-assemble his legendary works. 

  • Valentine’s Day Game

For the Valentine’s Day Google and its team released a series of Doodles about the Pangolin to raise awareness about it. It also has a Pangolin game part of a surprise. 

  • Halloween Game 

In the 2016 Google was able to celebrate Halloween with special interactive Doodle. It has five levels and you can enjoy it. 

  • Galapagos Islands: Discover Darwin’s Living Laboratory

It is an interactive Google maps tool that permits you to explore Galapogos Islands. 


Google birthday surprise will surely make you happy. You can enjoy playing the game it features.

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