Five Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Five Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Acid reflux or heartburn, also known as acidity is one of the most common problem among the people across the world. Irregular lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, over-eating or spicy food consumption, smoking and drinking are the major causes behind the acid reflux and heartburn. So, let’s start to know more about this with some curable remedial tips.

Whatis Acid Reflux or Heartburn Symptoms?

Acid reflux is a kind of burning sensation or burning pain in the lower chest area caused when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe. It is also well-known as heartburn, acid indigestion, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Whatare the causes of Acid Reflux and Heartburn?

Aparteating the highly spicy foods and consuming alcohol or smoking, there aremultiple reasons of acid reflux among the people depending on their lifestyleand eating habits. You can find below the list of major causes of heartburn andacid reflux.

Major Causes ofHeartburn and Acidity:

  • Consumingextremely spiced food materials.
  • Consuminghighly citrus fruits or vegetables.
  • Beingpregnant, overweight and obesity.
  • Excessivealcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Lyingdown straight after eating or snacking.
  • Regularintake of antibiotic medicines and drugs.
  • Chocolate,carbonated drinks, and acidic juices.

5 Best Home Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn Cure

Cold Buttermilk or Churned Yogurt Shake

Buttermilk is made with millions of probiotic bacteria and one of the best beverage for cooling the stomach and control the acidity. Buttermilk is also very much beneficial to improve the digestive system and also considered as a healthy diet. However, you can also increase water consumption to get quick relief from acidity.

If you cannot get buttermilk you can also make this natural drink using the curd or yogurt prepared at your home. You can add sugar or salt in buttermilk to make it tastier and using the ice cubes in summers will give you instant relief from acid reflux and indigestion.

Consume Bananas or Carrom Seeds (Ajwain)

Banana contains a high level of potassium and magnesium that helps to maintain the pH levels in the stomach lining that prevents any kind of acid reflux into the body. Banana also contains several other nutrients to keep you healthy. You can also add salads like cucumber or carrots in a regular diet that helps to reduce acidity.

Consume Bananas or Carrom Seeds (Ajwain)

Similarly,Carrom Seeds or in India well-known as Ajwainis also one the best homeremedies for acid reflux treatment with quick relief and long-lastingaction. Actually, carrom seeds are full of anti-acidic properties and you can consumeit either swallow mix with black salt or boil carrom seeds in water and drinkthe water to cure acidity.

Avoid Eating Spicy Foods Regularly

Foods containing hot spices and red chilies pepper like ingredients also cause the heartburn. You can imagine when you put such hot things on your mouth you feel a kind of burning sensation in your tongue triggered by marinated foods.

So, when these spiced foodstuffs travel through your food pipe and intestine you can feel the heartburning sensation trigger acid reflux symptoms, causing pain and discomfort into your belly. Hence, avoid or minimize the intake of foods containing the hot peppers, hot sauce, cayenne, red chili pepper flakes or chili powder like ingredients.

Don’t Smoke and Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Intoxication and smoking are also one of the major causes of acid reflux among the people, usually who regularly consume such things. Actually, Nicotine causes your body to relax but at the same time makes the valve separating your stomach from your esophagus relaxes that allows your stomach acid to escape and the onset of acid reflux symptoms.

Similarly, regular consumption of alcohol weakens the valve between your stomach and esophagus causing the heartburn and painful sensation after meals. Alcohol produces extra acid in your stomach and causes several other health problems like vomiting, hangover, headache, stomach pain and diarrhea with long-term body effects.

Ease Your Stress or Depression Level

Many people don’t know, but people having stressful minds all-the-time also have acid reflux symptomsas it is scientifically proven that stress and depression cause acid reflux. And heartburn due to stress can take extraordinary time to recover or cure fully after taking acid rflux treatment under the professional medical practitioner .

So, avoid stress and never think about anything seriously, whatever the problems or unfavorable situations come into your personal or professional life. With the time being everything will be fine and taking stress will put you into the depression that requires special treatment and stress management techniques to recover completely.


Apart from these natural remedies for heartburnthere are multiple other options to get relief from acid reflux. You can try various other remedies like try aloe vera juice, avoid overeating, consume meals on time, avoid intake of chocolates, limit the intake of carbonated beverages, coffee and tea. And you also need to change your lifestyle like wear loose fitting clothes, sleep on an incline or left side, walk or wait before going to bed.

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