Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Sustainable

Easy Ways To Make Your Business More Sustainable

Businesses across the world are looking for ways to make themselves more sustainable and do their bit for the environment. With many governments bringing in new legislations and rules around carbon footprints and reducing impacts, now is the best time to look at your own processes and procedures to see if there’s anything you can do to help. Here are some quick and easy ways that you can transform your business:

Use recycled furniture

Using recycled furniture is a great way to make your business more sustainable. Whether you find second-hand goods in tip top condition or you choose to upcycle them yourself, it’ll help to reduce your overall impact on the environment. 

If you have a quirky office or business environment, using recycled furniture is also a great way to bring a splash of personality to your space.

Go digital with menus

Whether you have a restaurant, café or bar, going digital with your menus can save both a fortune on printing costs and also the environment. As these types of businesses regularly change their menus, whether that’s seasonally or monthly; going digital means it’s also quicker and much more streamline to update your customers with what food and drinks you offer!

A great way to introduce this is to have a QR code on your tables that customers can scan as soon as they arrive.

Fix any structural problems

Structural issues can cause no end of stress to you and your business, but they can also have an impact on the environment too. Make sure you fix any leakages for example to avoid wasting water. Whether you take a look at it yourself using tools like pipe cutters or hire a professional, sorting jobs like these will make a big difference. 

Use reusable bags and encourage your clients to do so to

Instead of using plastic shopping bags, offer reusable options for your customers and encourage them to continue to use them. Whether you work with an external company for this or get your own tote bags designed, there’s a wealth of opportunity to make a difference in this way. 

Get on top of your lighting

Lighting is one of the quickest ways you can make a difference and become more sustainable. Make sure you and your teams are turning off lighting when not in use, and make an effort to change your existing bulbs to energy saving replacements. Yes, there will be an initial outlay, but the savings to your bottom line and the environment make it worth it. 

Improve your energy efficiency

You should also address your current heating system. If you’re on-top of your services and already have a good system in place, consider taking a look at the insulation in your building or office space instead. You’d be surprised how much heat can escape from the roof when it’s not insulated to a good standard.