Early Exams Or A Long Vacation are Assured

Early Exams

Every year students take two examinations, one in winter and one in summer, at the time set by the university. But sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to pass exams and essays early. What to do in such a situation?

Many students pay for homework help right away, because there is no more time to edit essays and they need to study for exams. 

Reasons for taking exams early

Compelling reasons why you may be allowed to take the exams outside of the rest of the student body may include:

Going abroad – on vacation or for a study program;

family reasons, including pregnancy;


There may be other reasons, such as the usual desire to go on vacation as soon as possible. But before you apply for permission to take your exams early, you need to think seriously about how to convincingly justify it.

How do I pass a session early?

Taking early exams is a regular exam, but with some special features. You will not be allowed to pass, if you do not do well in current subjects, have an unsatisfactory score or academic arrears in previous sessions.

If with the progress all is well, you can write an application for early delivery of exams and tests. And be sure to specify the reason, which “can not resist” any teacher.

But this is not the end, just the beginning. You have to collect signatures from all the teachers who take your exams. After all, each of them, having evaluated your abilities and current performance in their subject, must give their opinion on what is happening. If a whole semester you did not go to lectures, or do not pass the colloquium, then forget about the early session. It is also possible that during the deadline for “your session,” the instructor will be absent.

After collecting all the permits you still need to visit the dean and the person responsible for implementing the curriculum in the department, and take their signatures. And only now can you go to the department and get a personal examination record.

Now comes the hard part. To organize yourself a longer vacation, in the last days of the semester you will have to work in crazy mode: to prepare for all exams in the shortest possible time and attend lectures and seminars. So it is necessary to calculate your strengths in advance. What if after an early delivery of an extra day of vacation to spend in a hospital bed. The student’s body, though young and hardy, but not made of stone, can give a “failure”.

And no one is insured against failure at the exam out of turn. Preparation for it leaves 1-2 days, and to copy is almost impossible, because the exam takes place one-on-one with the teacher.

Weighing all the pros and cons of the early delivery, think – is it really necessary?

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