How Digital Marketing Recruiting Agencies Are Working Amidst Covid Third-Wave Scare

Digital Marketing

The Covid pandemic had a lasting effect on the recruiting and hiring sector all over the globe. However, with a new and possible variant emerging with a spike in the Covid wave, recruiters worldwide are again designing innovative ways to keep the recruitment procedure going despite the pandemic scare.

The digital marketing industry became one of the top-grossing “Growth industries” in the past two years. With new openings and increased hiring in this field, more talented professionals are coming.

Pearl Lemon Recruitment, a well-established digital marketing recruitment agency London,  is set to find talented digital marketing experts for global marketing and sales firms.

As hiring prospects are coming up, recruiters are gearing again to optimize the available talent resource pool to keep the industry going amidst the social distancing and new normal lifestyle.

Here is a comprehensive picture of how recruitment agencies are hiring and operating for the digital marketing sector-

Hybrid Workspace is Becoming the Norm

The pandemic culture has resulted in a hybrid work culture among the recruitment agencies. As per a survey by Gartner, 47% or more professionals prefer to work for remote roles during the pandemic. Hence, recruiting agencies are planning to redesign their office space to ensure they can maintain both a remote team and a physical working environment comprehensively and together. This new culture allows their staff to work with synergy and provide the recruitment procedure without any hiatus. 

In other words, the physical workplace is losing its relevance among job seekers. Hence, the recruitment agencies are keener to replace the whole table culture with a clear and effective recruitment procedure that is safe, maintains Covid protocol, and is holistic.

Some recruitment agencies even conduct remote recruitment with specialized tests to assess applicants and still get a sharp and effective recruitment method.

Video Interviewing Software is now Essential

Recruitment agencies rely more on technology, especially video interviewing software, to keep the recruitment procedure steady. For a growing industry like Digital marketing, talent acquisition is a top priority. As per experts, initial phone verification is still essential. But, recruitment agencies are challenging the interview sector online with virtual solutions.

Most of the recruitment is now happening through video interviewing software. It allows the recruitment agencies to breach the time zone gap and opt for a global recruitment procedure while maintaining a formal approach.

Organizing a Team of Recruiting Professionals is now Easier

Since remote work is still very much in trend, the recruitment agencies are also finding innovative ways to connect their teams. The companies move forward from zoom calls, team meetings, or online conversations. More agencies are now using team collaboration software and platforms, including Microsoft teams, etc., to ensure all employees are updated about their tasks.


Job seeking has seen a new change amidst the covid-19 pandemic. Now employers need to attract the employees or possible employees to fill the talent gap. For digital marketing, finding the desirable talented job seeker is more important than filling a position randomly. Moreover, professionals prefer positions that offer them a work-life balance with remote work opportunities, health packages, and a good salary. Hence, recruiters are choosing attractive ways to get the attention of professionals through online job portals, social media sites, etc.

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