How to Detect Unhealthy Gums?

How to Detect Unhealthy Gums?

Having good oral health is a must in a person’s life. Unhealthy gums are relatively harmful to your oral health. This also leads to spread many oral diseases causing harm to the teeth.

This can also naturally compromises the smile on your face and it may cause a look of having gums that are retracting. This also leads in showcasing your teeth look much longer than actual and also this is an unattractive sign for your personality. It also makes the roots of the teeth more yellowish and pale as they are no longer protected in case of receding gums. This creates a different layer on the root of the teeth, which looks ugly. If this is something that you’re worried about, don’t hesitate and schedule an appointment with the dentist in batavia.

Consequences of having unhealthy gums:

  • The sensitivity of teeth: When you hit by a cold or hot surface to your teeth, it is going to create a sensation which is really painful for a few people. The temperature difference is not easy to be tolerated for some.
  • The Caries: This will make the root surface more effective to get decayed and spoiled. Also, this creates a rough and porous texture which leads to making the bacteria getting settled on the teeth easily.
  • Aesthetics being compromised: The unhealthy gums being very fragile and delicate will keep receding and reach up to the root surface of the teeth. This will lead to poor stability of teeth which also gives a sensation of “piano keys” forming our tooth into some different structure. Also when you look at the teeth replacement cost in India, it will not be so so costly. So it is worth for the treatment of unhealthy gums.

Causes of having unhealthy gums which are harmful to oral health:

Almost all of us follow a pattern when cleaning and we always start with more energy and finish a little looser, reflecting that pattern in the teeth that undergo gingival retraction for that reason. This may lead to wisdom tooth removal and other teeth to fall.

  • Inflammation of gums: The gums are inflamed by the accumulation of tartar. When this inflammation is prolonged over time, there is the destruction of the bone that supports the teeth. The gum always follows the bone in its displacement, thus producing the gum which has a serious health issue.
  • Piercings: Piercing is a trauma similar to aggressive brushing. The problem is that it is much more intense and localized. It affects localized to the gum of the teeth with which it is in contact and in addition it also takes ahead the bone of dental support, generating a great bony loss that is very difficult or impossible to recover.

The pale tone of the gums:

It is a sign of the onset of gingivitis, which may have been caused by plaque build-up and poor oral hygiene. It can also be a symptom of a significant iron deficiency anaemia that is when blood iron levels are very low.

  • Bright red gums:

If a gum presents this color, and also shows inflamed or irritated and bleeds easily, is a symptom of gingival disease or gingivitis. The color is due to the inflammation caused by bacterial plaque.

  • Blackened gums:

In people who smoke appears what is known as “melanosis” of the smoker. The gums, from the year or two years of smoking, darken. It happens in one of every three smokers. It is because nicotine stimulates the secretion of melanin, in addition to the accumulation of toxic substances in tobacco.

Treatment of unhealthy gums:

Gum disease can be prevented. The brushing of teeth is a very simple process which will require to be done for at least twice in a day. Brushing of teeth can be done in a row making a proper schedule. For brushing, the paste that needs to be applied on tooth shall contain fluoride (some dentists also recommend mouthwashes that contain this solution).

The usage of soft and fine bristle toothbrush should be practiced and to make sure that the used toothbrush is not repeated after 3 or 4 months.

Consumption of a healthy diet which does not contain any extra sugar will have a good effect on the bacteria creating the plate. Remember, you do not have to smoke or chew tobacco.