Body Shaping With Massage: Benefits, Features And Indications

Body Shaping With Massage

Massage procedures can be very different, and even the direction that is focused on body shaping is presented in several forms of impact on problem areas. So, anti-cellulite massage can be manual, vacuum, lymphatic drainage (it is also done manually, but it differs in technique, since one of the main goals of the direction is to remove fluid from the tissues).

Even a regular manual massage, like the one provided by helps to get rid of puffiness and cellulite. The quality of the skin changes, fluid is removed from the soft tissues, the process of lipolysis is accelerated. Let’s consider in more detail who this direction is suitable for and what result can be achieved.

What are the benefits of body shaping massage?

Body shaping massage can solve the following problems:

  • sagging;

  • skin irregularities;

  • cellulite;

  • stagnant processes in soft tissues that prevent weight loss in local areas;

  • puffiness.

Body shaping with the help of manual massage by a specialist helps to solve similar problems, but the principle of influence on tissues is different, as well as the patient’s sensations. In some cases, it is undesirable to apply the vacuum technique, while the manual one becomes an excellent alternative in the current situation. A good massage therapist will be able to assess the patient’s condition, determine their strengths and weaknesses, and also choose a technique or complex that will help solve current problems and get closer to the dream body.

Features and indications

Massage for body shaping is done either manually or with the help of a special medical device. In the first case, the specialist uses oils that help make the process smooth and painless.

The device is adjusted to the desired power, which varies when working with different zones. You can treat almost all parts of the body – massage the hips, buttocks, legs, stomach, waist, arms.

For body shaping with vacuum massage, there are the following indications:

  • pronounced cellulite;

  • cellulite of the first stage, when you need to keep in good shape without clearly visible problems;

  • sagging;

  • noticeable stretch marks and other defects;

  • excess body fat in local areas;

  • stagnation of fluid in the tissues.

Body shaping massage is an effective way to solve problems and flaws. Such procedures are relevant for thin girls who dream not only of harmony, but also of a toned body. The complex is prescribed for those who want to lose weight, get rid of edema and cellulite, and smooth skin tone. With its help, curvaceous girls maintain their body in good shape, get rid of cellulite, make their body plummy and beautiful.

How many procedures are needed to achieve a visible effect?

Body shaping with massage is performed on average twice a week. It usually takes about 10-15 treatments to achieve the maximum effect. However, even after the fifth procedure, you can notice the first result.

Are there contraindications and consequences?

If the massage therapist does everything right, then the negative consequences are minimized. Therefore, manual massage for body shaping can only be entrusted to a certified, experienced master who has undergone preliminary training. In some people, small capillaries are located close to the skin, which burst when actively exposed. Therefore, after the session, small bruises may form, which disappear on their own in a few days. This is an individual feature that doesn’t manifest itself in everyone.

There are contraindications for anti-cellulite and manual massage for body shaping. It is better to coordinate them in advance with the massage therapist who will implement the program. For example, in oncological diseases, thrombosis, infectious foci are the restrictions.

Massage for body shaping brings you closer to the body of your dreams, and most importantly, it solves the problem of cellulite, which is very difficult for many women to fight on their own.

Therefore, if you have not had time to lose weight by the summer or get yourself in the desired shape, massage will help you quickly prepare for the beach season.