What Are The Various Services Offered By New Zealand Immigration ?

New Zealand Immigration

Several policies have been developed to help New Zealand’s economic growth. If you are looking to make New Zealand your home and have skills, experience or capital that are in short supply nearby, moving here could be the life change you have always dreamed of.
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There is a variety of New Zealand visas, some of which you may be qualified for. Selecting the best option for your circumstances will likely depend on how long you want to visit, if there is a shortage of your skills in New Zealand and if you are visiting with a partner or family.

If you want to attend New Zealand before you make a move or for a holiday, you may require a visitor visa. Find whether you need a visitor visa from New Zealand Immigration Delhi.

The New Zealand immigration policy is considered to ensure that immigration enhances the cultural and economic growth of the nation. In Delhi, you have so many kinds of visa services you want that gets in less time.

If you are thinking to move to New Zealand, then WWICS has the excellent means to help you gain a New Zealand Immigration Visa. WWICS is a global resettlement resolutions provider and is backed by a large team of professionals who have extensive knowledge of the immigration and visa processes and have been serving people for over two decades.
Our professionals will manage you through the entire immigration process and help you gain a visa in the shortest possible time. The New Zealand government offers several immigration options. These involve:-

Skilled Migration Visa:

The Skilled Migration Section has been designed to attract highly skilled and qualified migrants to New Zealand, especially in the industrial sectors and regions that are experiencing majority, but facing a shortage of professionals. The country’s selection system is flexible and only major stages are taken into consideration before an applicant can demand skilled migration to the country.

Work Visa:

The primary purpose of the New Zealand Work Visa is to contribute to the development of the industry and economy of the country by attracting skilled people from all across the world. There are two benefits to this:

  • Work to Resident – This category supports individuals wishing to permanently settle in the country to renew their temporary work visa to a permanent resident visa.
  • Employment – This category provides New Zealand employers to hire skilled foreign workers for vacant jobs which no local workers can fulfil.

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Student Visa:

The Government of New Zealand helps foreign students to study in their universities and colleges. Along with education, the students can also work for up to 20 hours a week. Students, who have developed the requisite qualifications and meet the permanent resident criteria, can apply for work authorization and permanent residency after completion of their education.

Family Visa:

The Family Visa section allows the immigrant’s partner/spouse and dependent children up to the age of 24, to get permanent resident status in New Zealand. Less dependent family members will need supporters who have held permanent residency in New Zealand for a minimum of three years. Candidates may require an offer of employment as well. Make sure to utilize this Immigrate to New Zealand which provides you with these many services.
Business Immigration Visa The Business Immigration visa has been created for individuals who wish to start a new business, take over a real business or place an investment in the country. There are majorly three kinds of New Zealand Business Visa: –

  • Investor
  • Entrepreneur
  • Employees of Relocating Business