Best Ways to Resell SEO Services

Resell SEO Services

When it comes to reselling SEO services, one might ask what is SEO reselling? SEO reselling is when an SEO reseller company provides white label SEO service programs to businesses that also serve their own clients. These services are typically offered to design, development, and marketing agencies. There are many ways an SEO reseller can sell its services, but what are the best ways to maximize your services? Here are eight of the best ways your agency can resell SEO services.

Decide on Your Services

One service that your company can provide is posting guest blogs. Guest posting can help build relationships as well as incorporate link interchanging that will benefit your search rankings. The reason why they call it a “guest” post is because it involves a short written article that is posted on someone else’s blog. This tool is extremely valuable for the marketing of your business. There are a few things to consider if you plan to incorporate guest blogging into your reseller programs. You will want to be sure that when a guest post is written that it’s on-topic and contains outbound links that are relevant to the article. This strategy has been known to be one of the most effective ways to increase B2B lead generation.

Another great service your agency can offer is keyword research or as some people call it, keyword optimization. This is a great addition that you can add to your reseller program. For a lot of small businesses, finding the right keywords to use can be strenuous. This process involves researching popular search terms that people input into sites like Google. These popular terms will be included in the content so that they will appear first in the search list. With the help of keyword research and placing the keywords in the right spot, you can help boost your client’s page to the top of the rankings. This will not only drive people to your website but bring the right people to your page that need those specific services.

Know What You’re Good at

With SEO reselling, there is going to be competition involved. A great way to stand out from other agencies that also resell SEO is to know your skills. Make sure that your team is able to provide the services that the client or agency is looking for. There are so many services that are popular when it comes to SEO such as link building, content writing, and PPC management. If you want a client to pick you over another service, then you must be able to provide it all and be good at it. Having a knowledgeable and competent team can ensure you have a good chance of winning over the client with your services.

Get Your Brand Out There

Completing a service for an agency is one thing, but being able to perform good work is another. Your clients want to know they can trust you and that you will come up with good content to help boost their business. Let each of your clients know what is it you provide and how you provide it. Having good results and communication the first time around with a client will set your agency up for success in the long run. When you offer great services, the clients will continue to come back and even spread the word.

Get to Know Your Audience

Knowing who your clients are is vital when selling your services. You may only get one chance to prove to a business that you’re worth their time and attention. Learn more about who your clients are and what their business is all about. Making the same pitch to every client won’t make their experience personable and chances are they won’t want to move forward with your agency. When pitching to them, explain to them in detail how your SEO reseller company can provide services that will benefit them.

Create a Strong Relationship

Being able to communicate effectively with your clients is key to the success of your business and theirs. Listen and find out what exactly it is they are looking for when it comes to SEO services. Make a note of their expectations and be able to let them know what they can expect from you as an agency. Don’t sugarcoat what you can and can’t deliver. If you and your client are not on the same page, it is already doomed before it started. Winning over a client is important, but if you can’t deliver what they want in the time that they want it, then be transparent. If you are only worried about sealing the deal, chances are you won’t have them as a client for very long.

Don’t Be Afraid to Change Things up

With the enormous amount of competition, there are tons of different services and packages being provided by other SEO reseller companies. This means you will have to customize your client’s packages sometimes. One client may have a different budget from another client and still want the same services. You will have to learn how to compromise and offer a package that suits your client, otherwise, they might move on to the next agency. Don’t be afraid to change things up and create a package that will make the client happy.

Know Your Competition

You research to know everything there is to know about your clients, so why not do the same for your competition? By doing research on who you’re competing with, you can not only be familiar with who their clients are, but the packages they offer as well. This can only help your agency know how to position itself in a way that’s appealing to prospective clients. You want to understand why people are choosing them and what they’re doing right to get people to choose them for their SEO services. Having more knowledge about how you can offer your services differently from other agencies, can only help you outweigh your competition.

Write a Case Study

Think of writing a case study as a way to prove your worth. This is a great way to increase new client lead generation. A lot of times clients are picky when it comes to hiring someone to write content and do a good job at it. You want to show prospective clients that the work you’ve done has been successful for existing clients. Show off the industries and clients you’ve worked with and the amazing results that have come from it. This will only reassure others that you and your team have what it takes to get the job done right.

As an SEO reseller company, your job is to provide service programs to businesses that will make a difference. There are many ways your agency can sell its services, but the ones mentioned above are the best way to resell SEO services that not only grant your client great success but your agency as well. All you have to do is know your clients, know your worth, and give amazing results.