How to Get a Good Job Immediately

Get a Good Job Immediately

The hiring season is right around the corner and so many jobs are opening up after the Covid-19 pandemic. So, how can you take advantage of the situation and get a good job immediately?

The steps are simple

  • Create your resume online
  • Polish up your employment history
  • Show what the employer wants to see
  • Provide social proof
  • Get on a recruiter’s good side

Use a Resume Builder Online

We recommend you to use the CV2You resume pdf maker to build a professional resume that will appeal to the hiring manager.

This free resume maker uses a simple click-and-drag interface, allowing you to write the copies somewhere else then paste the information into your online resume.

Once you’re done making your resume,, export your resume to PDF format because it is the most compatible with online hiring systems. Try to keep your resume within one page so the recruiter can easily find the information they need.

Be Direct about Your Past Duties

If you’re not sure how to talk about your past duties and employment histories, look up a few examples from job resource sites, so you can follow best practices.

In general, fill out your past duties as simple as possible, and

  • Put leadership and management duties first
  • Emphasize the core obligations
  • Avoid using long sentences
  • Build a listicle under each employment
  • Use simple past tense

Keep in mind — the perfect resume is always straight to the point. Also, an online resume creator usually comes with examples for each section. That could be a great reference for those starting a resume from scratch.

Focus on High-Level Skills

Good jobs require more skills than entry level jobs. Therefore, focus on higher-level skills. If you have any professional certification or qualification, make sure to include that on your resume.

Feel free to get creative and use more visual methods to explain your skill proficiencies, as long as the resume is still simple enough for a quick scan. However, some hiring platforms cannot process infographics and other visual elements.

Use Quality References

Good references are crucial if you want to get a good job immediately as they can speak for your qualification on an equal basis with your future employer.

For a good job, include 2 or 3 references from your most recent employment and professional activities. 

Craft Your Cover Letter

A resume builder online often comes with cover letter templates as well, so you can get everything done in one place.

When crafting your cover letter, use first person POV and directly address the hiring manager. Keep your paragraphs short and your sentences genuine. Talk about how this position would help you grow as well as how you’ll be a valuable asset to the company if hired.

Final Thoughts

Ready? Then head over to the CV2You resume pdf maker and get started. This smart resume builder allows you to customize each section based on a few basic templates. That way, you can easily move information around. For example, use a 2-column layout for your skill section.

And before you submit your resume, always proofread everything to avoid any spelling or grammar errors. Also, make sure you have the most updated contact information on your CV, cover letter, and the actual application.