6 Reasons Outsourcing Accounts Receivable Will Save you Time and Money

Outsourcing Accounts

Accounts Receivable services are probably the first ever services which were outsourced and till date Accounts Receivable services are at top slot in order to outsourcing. To a rough estimation invoice are paid on average of 90 days despite of having standard payment terms of 28 days in America. Around 27% of clients don’t pay in lack of funds. More than 11% complain that have not received the invoice timely. The figures are quite scary. Just because of these facts it seems that OUTSOURCING is the only one solution to the present scenario.

Although outsource accounts receivable services are available easily with almost every outsourcing company but choosing these companies itself a very hectic job. Before we come to know the significance of outsourcing, we should understand the reasons to prefer the outsource model for accounts receivable. Let’s discuss 6 major reasons of outsourcing that will save your time and money

Speedy Cash Flow

Once you outsource the receivables services you will have a speedy and on-time cash flow that will boost your morals with having sufficient funds in company to do more with your business. Only an experienced accounts receivable firm can delivers the desired results for the best business checking accounts and regular accounts also.

Onetime Payments

To an estimation the payment of an invoice is done in more than 60 days despite of a standard 28 days payment period but once you hire a company for this you will feel the positive turning of payments on time by your clients, it will improve your funds stability altogether. Overall getting your payments within deadline is a good feeling, isn’t it?

Amplified efficiency

Your in-house team of manpower may have lesser experience and skills about accounts recovery but once you handover your accounts receivable services to an expert company you will notice that your organizational efficiency increased dramatically at no extra cost. Most of accounts receivable outsourcing companies have excellent manpower that has an expertise in Accounts Receivable.

Clear Credit Policies of all your clients

No matter how much you know your client but still there are fair chances that you may lack the information about credit history of your prospective and existing clients. Your outsourcing company will have a clear cut policy about your each client that will give you a quite visible picture of credit capability of your client and guess what, most of outsourcing agencies do it at no extra cost and once you are aware about credit history of your client you can decide very comfortably about credit limits to be extended to a client by your organization in future transactions and business with that particular client.

Focus on your core business activities rather than on non core activities.

If you don’t hire an outsourcing company in that case you will need manpower to deploy in your financial accounting team and you will have to pay them salaries and perks and plus you will have to spend your own time in checking receivables and recovery status at regular intervals. In case of any disputes you will have to indulge personally to sort out the issues and all these things will divert you from your main aim of running your business smoothly.

Use your talent in other projects

Now since your man power is free from hectic work of accounts receivable, you can use those resources in other important projects of company to yield better results.
We at Max BPO employ and train dedicated collection staff. We clearly define and document all roles and job description (from collection manager to skip tracing agent).We follow proven principles of negotiations. Keeping a close contact with the debtor. We have achieved a history of success and most important, we try to be honest in our assessment of probability of success.

Business relations are valuable and you certainly do not want to lose them to a competitor, however it’s important to ensure that your invoices are paid as well. We ensure a perfect blend of business enhancement and collections. We have 2 segments of debts.

Early Stage

We define a consistent collection approach applied by a specialized team members. During early phases, we focus on working out a solution in co-operation with the customer giving high priority to the protection of customer relationship. Our aim is to minimize the number of cases moving through to the later stages.

Late Stage

There are business partnerships that take a little longer to pay and then there are others that will repeatedly push your payment terms to breaking point, we at Maxtech have perfect knowledge of interacting with them to get you paid timely. While dealing with late stage collection our focus shifts from protecting the customer relationship to protecting assets and minimizing losses.

We exclusively work on a contingency basis and offer a free trial to get an overview

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