4 Tile Roof Maintenance Basics All Homeowners Should Know

roof maintenance tips

A clay tile roof can last for as long as several hundred years if it is well-maintained. However, any tile roof won’t last long if it isn’t maintained.

You may have purchased a new home only to find that it has a tile roof. And you have no idea how to look after it. 

To be certain that you aren’t wasting money on a new roof due to lack of care, you have to give your current one the attention it needs. Whatever the material, vigilance is going to be crucial. 

If you’re a homeowner, understanding tile roof maintenance can save you big bucks. Keep reading to learn the top 4 tips you need to know.

  1. Keep the Tiles Clean

It feels nice to clean the inside or outside of your home, but do you remember to clean your roof as well?

You may have noticed before that some tile roofs have a slight green tint to them. The reason for this is algae growth. Roof tile needs to be cleaned because algae will easily grow in the moisture that tile roofs can absorb.

This is something that needs to be added to your tile roof maintenance checklist and might be the thing you’ll do most often on this list.

Even if you wait until the alga plant grows and then try to clean it, your roof can be left with nasty streaks all along the beautiful tile. 

You may be tempted to use harsh chemicals to force the algae away, but this can actually cause more damage. You’ll want to use a more natural cleaning solution and a soft wash on your tiles.

Remember that you’re doing this to take care of your roof, which, in turn, takes care of your home. Keep your roof clean so that it can do its job properly. 

Other benefits of cleaning your tile roof include better curb appeal and a higher building value. 

  1. Obtain Regular Roof Inspections

Many homeowners dread roof inspections because they are scared that something negative (and expensive) will be found. However, the sad truth is that they are necessary. And doing them on a regular schedule is important if you want to maintain the quality and integrity of your roof.

Although you should be getting a roof inspection every few years, you also will want to have one completed following a storm or strong winds. If you think physical damage has occurred, it’s even more important to stay on top of this.

Once a storm has passed, you can go outside to look for broken tiles or heavy debris on the ground. If you see anything that looks suspicious, you will want to call right away to get a professional out to your home for an inspection.

In general, a roof inspector will be looking for common issues that the average person may not have noticed. This could include small leaks, structural damage, strange wear, or fungus growth. 

If there is something specific that you think the inspector may want to check for, it doesn’t hurt to bring it up before they get started.

Be sure to choose a company that has certified contractors available. You don’t want to skimp on something that can potentially be dangerous if not done correctly. 

  1. Repair as Soon as You See It : Roof Maintenance

If you have a roof inspection done and a problem’s found, you need to repair it as soon as possible.

Some examples of problems that you may see with a tile roof include:

  • Broken tiles
  • Basic wear and tear
  • Erosion due to excessive moisture
  • Sliding tiles
  • Fungus growth
  • Debris dislocating tiles 

Doing tile roof preventative maintenance can help you avoid these issues.

You can usually choose to have the tiles repaired or replaced, depending on the issue. When you need the help of experienced professionals, such as HP Roofing, you can let them know what the problem is and consult for the best solution.

It’s important to do this soon after the problem is noticed because it can quickly worsen and you may end up with a leak in your home. If an issue is noticed, it’s a good idea to have the areas with the problem recaulked and resealed.

Tile roofs are built to last. However, if the installation is wrong or corners were cut by the roofers, this will significantly reduce your roof’s lifespan.

Something that you may want to consider is having protective flashing tiles installed, which you can do at any point. They will help protect your tiles and keep your roof healthy. 

  1. Clear Gutter Debris

As you may have seen before, the debris that ends up on your tile roof can also end up in your gutters.

These need to be kept clear to ensure that water won’t overflow. If you live somewhere with a strong storm season, this is an even more important step to protect your roof.

Gutters that overflow could end up leaking into your home or even breaking off the roof entirely due to the weight. 

If you’re not comfortable cleaning the gutters on your own due to safety concerns, you can hire a company to do this job for you on a regular basis. If the gutter is completely clogged, you should work with a professional to ensure that they remove the blockages.

You may have trees in your yard that hang over the roof. If this is the case, consider having them trimmed down to decrease the debris that lands on your roof. 

Use These Tips for Tile Roof Maintenance

Even with just these four tile roof maintenance tips, your roof will last for years to come.

If you take care of your roof, it means you won’t have to pay for a premature replacement. And this saves you money in the long run. 

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