10 Tips for Online Learning During COVID-19

Online Learning

In the wake of the current global situation. Almost all educational institutions resorted to online teaching so that the students continued to learn and grow despite the pandemic. Many students and teachers had trouble adjusting to the online experience because of the lack of practice and training.

There was noted evidence of some institutes to be having irrational and unjustified expectations from the students during this Online Learning procedure. Some were being less considerate towards the fact that these are not normal circumstances and many people might be sick and battling with the virus too. On the other hand, there are most institutes who have well managed the situation and have created a comfortable environment for the students accordingly. We have indeed best learned from this coronavirus outbreak that the daily norms and routine are that easy to be altered by unforeseen challenges that life has planned for us. But certainly, there are forces which are under our own control, certain things that we have the power and ability to change or not change. The transformation of the education system into an online stream has also increased the importance of assignment writing services UK as students are initially facing issues to manage multiple assignments while dealing with the online classes system.

Making most out of this time to learn more skills and strategies to be better prepared for the future. Our education and learning are our first personal innovative space and we must not be any less motivated to learn online. In order to do that there are some helpful tips which will best motivate you for your online learning and exploring:

Here is 10 Tips for Online Learning During COVID-19

1. Develop a proper routine:

Making a proper workable routine is the first and most vital thing with respect to online learning. As we stay home we don’t think of education mostly the same way we used to think during the on-campus education days. We take the classes for granted many times. But in order to excel in the future and learn best from this time we need to have a proper routine made and then religiously follow the routine. Wake up on the exact time you used to wake up back in the regular days, take shower, get out of your comfy PJs, get your breakfast bowl, and log into your online classes on time with a notepad and pen by your side.

2. Be on Time:

Manage to be on time in the classes, the same way you used to be during your on-campus classes. Don’t take these classes for granted. Put alarms on your phone at the class timings so that even if you get caught up in some house chore you know that you get reminded that you have a scheduled class to attend.

3. Make a proper to-do list:

Plan your day wisely before you sleep. Use your phone’s notepad or to-do-list apps to write down all the day’s tasks and then manage to do all those tasks in the exact order. Doing this not only helps to finish the tasks on time but also gives you a sense of calm and satisfaction.

4. Plan Long Term Goals:

Be sure about the goals you have for your future and start writing them down. The plans you have for a month ahead and the things you have planned to do and carry out after the pandemic, writing them down makes you get a clearer image of everything and brings motivation to complete your daily to-do lists.

5. Take the necessary study breaks:

Give yourself proper breaks between checking off the works from your to-do list. Get a snack for you, watch some videos on YouTube or go out for a while for a little walk in your backyard, and when you feel fresh get back to work.

6. Make study groups:

Make groups on WhatsApp or other social media that you and your friends like. Stay connected through it, keep motivating each other to finish the work together on time, and that this situation will soon be over and you all are in this together.

7. Don’t get too caught up in the news:

Staying positive and having a fresh and open mind towards everything is very important. Avoid all the extra news you are seeing, this will only make you feel low.

8. Positive locus of control:

Having a positive locus of control is very important. To accept such challenges with an open mind that this will make me learn more and that I will come out of it stronger than before.

9. Don’t get yourself into self-pity:

Indeed with a mind which is drowning in self-pity, this surely becomes impossible. So the first and important thing is to have a positive approach towards the situation in the hope to have better days ahead. Even when we look back in history people have seen such difficult times of where they have more memories of wars than that of days of peace and harmony but those people still managed to bounce back stronger than ever. And so will we, come out of this situation and the life we know as normal will be back.

10. Be open to new opportunities:

Many new learning opportunities keep coming. Just have an eye for what your friends are up to and how everyone else around the world is coping. Be open to learning from others and helping others learn to grow during this time.

I hope this article helped you think differently about online learning. Good luck with your future classes online!