10 Powerful Tips for Building a Personal Brand

Building a Personal Brand

Brand development is necessary in order to stand out from the competition and gain the trust of future customers. Fame is important: it is easier for people to make a deal with a company whose leader they have already heard of.

A personal brand always adds status to someone who has managed to build it properly. It is not just a name that everyone around knows – it is a kind of guarantee of quality. The buyer believes in the fact that he buys a good product exactly from you, and for that people are willing to pay extra.

Is it possible to build a business without promoting your own brand? Quite – it all depends on the strategy you choose, as well as your stated ideology.

But only a recognizable name will give you the opportunity to influence the opinion of other people: colleagues, competitors, customers, subscribers on social networks. That’s why so many people in the world are promoting their own brand.

Secrets of brand building and promotion: top 10 ways for fast result

Promoting a personal brand requires a comprehensive approach. What nuances and details do you need to know for the name to start making you a profit?

#1. Determine your goals

To understand how and where to move, what tools to use for this, you need to determine what you want to achieve in the end.

What messages do you want to convey to your consumer? Your target audience – who are these people? On what sites do you plan to work? What results do you want to get in a month, 3 months, six months, a year? By what means do you plan to achieve these results?

When you are already clear about what tasks you have to solve, write down a plan of action. And then proceed to its implementation, methodically and disciplined implementation point by point.

#2. Work on your image

Your brand implies that you have your ideas and values. That’s what your look will convey. So be sure to think about the image: who should it work for?

But the appearance is only one facet of the public image. The manner of speaking, the vocabulary and speech patterns, the timbre of the voice are important components of the image. Remember: good speakers always arouse admiration and trust in the audience.

You should look organic and natural. Then people will have a desire to listen to your opinion, to rely on it. And, accordingly, to take advantage of the products or services you offer.

#3. Do a series of working photo shoots

Promoting your brand will require photos of you in the image you want to create. Don’t skimp on them, they will be useful everywhere: for your personal website, presentations, and social networks. According to Prodvigate team, high-quality photo and video materials are crucial in the promotion of YouTube channels and social networks in general.

You can’t limit yourself to one photo session – often, different media require photos in completely different formats and content. But to successfully promote your brand, you need to have a complete set of photos suitable for different articles and publications.

#4. Think about your corporate identity

An important element by which you will be distinguished from your competitors is having a corporate identity. It usually includes a specific set of design elements that help make your brand recognizable.

What do you need for your products to begin to be quickly found among similar products? Having a logo, a corporate font, and colors. You will also need business cards, personal print, letterheads made in the appropriate design.

#5. Monitor social media regularly

A personal profile is a perfect tool to track how effectively you’re using it. Are you happy with the number of likes, reposts, comments left by followers under your posts?

Remember, the recognition factor is important to you. Your own style, a special way of presenting content should definitely make you stand out from the general mass of faceless pages. Compare your profile with the accounts of your competitors. Where would you go if you were your customer: to yourself or to them? What attracts you to your own page, what repels you?

Do not forget that often in different social media the audience can have diametrically opposed views on the same issues. Therefore, you need to adapt your posts to the needs of your followers. But your main ideas, thoughts, values should remain unchanged, easy to read, and understand for everyone.

Make sure that your subscribers can easily find the means of communication with you: phones, messengers, mail. Your presence in all media is important for brand development.

#6. Make a clear content plan for your accounts

Clear planning is an important element of maintaining your social media image. And the issue of content should be worked out several weeks in advance. So you can think ahead about when and how to announce a new product, and how to do it. Think about what events in your life you want to cover within your own profile. Be sure to consider the time and day of the week when the post will be released.

Your content should catch the eye, cause a desire to immediately repost it to your page, like it, and leave a comment.

#7. Get feedback from your audience

Often our ideas about ourselves don’t match the image that people around us see. To find out how your subscribers see you, conduct a survey among your target audience. Ask them how they would describe you, what key qualities they think you have. What might they say based on the content you post?

Don’t be surprised if people’s answers don’t match your position. This survey will help you work through any weaknesses in your image on social media. By correcting any flaws, you’ll become closer and clearer to your audience, which will help promote your personal brand.

#8. Work for the public

Offline promotion is another important tool to make your name recognizable.

Take advantage of every opportunity available to you: make presentations, speak at seminars, travel to conferences. You may feel that you lack public speaking skills. But the ability to work even with large audiences always comes with experience.

Speaker skills, positioning yourself as an expert will also help you make your name more recognizable.

#9. Develop in your field

You must constantly develop not only in your area of expertise – it is important to know what is happening in related business areas. This way you’ll not only keep up with all the changes that are happening, but you’ll also understand what trends will be relevant in the market in the near future.

Your name will gain additional weight when other recognized professionals and experts listen to your opinion as well. So never skimp on training.

#10. Join the circle of experts

Your professional growth is only possible if your environment actively facilitates it. Find the leading experts in your field, try to establish contacts with them. Sometimes even watching the strongest competitors will help you get the experience you need. By constantly developing yourself, you will gain a reputation for taking care of your brand and the needs of your customers.