Yoga Poses To Overcome Overthinking

Yoga Poses To Overcome Overthinking

Statistics have shown this time and again that more than 80% of the people in the world suffer from anxiety issues and habits of overthinking. We tend to waste a lot of our time in thinking “what could be” rather than focusing on “what is”. The stress and anxiety that comes after this ritualistic overthinking, hampers everything that we try to do. It limits our creative potential and has an adverse effect on our health. This is not new information, we all are aware of it and a lot of people are trying to find tangible ways to fight it.

Some people try therapy, some opt for hobby classes while some choose Yoga as their medicine. It is true that yoga can be one of the easiest and the most efficient ways to beat overthinking. Yoga retreats yoga retreats in Nepal being one of the best) can help you start off with this exercise of curbing anxiety and stress. While you take your time to contemplate whether you want to enroll yourself in one, here are a few yoga poses that will help you overcome overthinking. 



This is one of the easiest poses and as the name suggests, it helps a great deal in establishing happiness and contentment in your life. A regular practice of this asana helps in stretching your spine and opens up the muscles of your hips and groin. This stretching of the spine facilitates the reduction of stress and anxiety in your life. The breathing involved in practicing this asana also helps you calm down your mind and shed away any clustered negative thoughts. 

How to do it:  Sit with your back straight and extend your legs in front of you. Now bring your left foot under your right knee and the right foot under your left knee. Position your gaze in the front and place your palms on your knees. Now take deep breaths and hold this position for 2-3 minutes. 



Balasana is extremely beneficial for your nervous system. It stretches your spine and also induces a regular and healthy blood circulation. This in turn also improves your lymphatic system. When rich amount of oxygen and blood reach your brain, your cognitive abilities sharpen up and you become more practical, hence avoiding any kind of overthinking that might be going on in your head. It helps you calm down. 

How to do it: Start off by positioning yourself in such a way that you’re kneeling down and sitting on your heels. Bend a little forward and try to make your chest and your thighs touch. Place your hand on your sides, breathe in and out and hold this position for a minute or two. 



This pose involves a great deal of muscle flexibility and therefore helps in relieving any kind of tightness in the shoulders and the hips. Once the muscles free up, your brain becomes aware of the fact that your body is becoming stress free and therefore calms down your mind as well. It is a great Asana to help you relieve yourself from any kind of accumulated emotional tension. 

How to do it: stand upright and bring your right arm over your left one and make the palms touch. If it is difficult then you can make the back of your hands touch. Then lift your left thigh and bring over your right thigh. If possible place your left foot on your right calf. Now choose a point in your line of vision and then focus on it as you breathe slowly. Hold this pose for a minute and then slowly come out of it. 



This pose stimulates your kidneys and liver and opens up any kind of muscular tension in your lower body. With that, it helps you combat any kind of sadness and depression and makes you stay positive and happy. 

How to do it: Begin by standing straight. Then slowly bend forward from your hips and make your palms touch the ground. Keep your legs straight so that you feel the muscular pull. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then slowly bring yourself up in the initial position. 



This asana is great for your digestive system and is usually the most effective when practiced after a meal. It helps you in channelizing all your energy in making your body function and help you calm your brain down to focus better. 

How to do it:  Bring yourself in a kneeling position and then sit on your heels. Straighten your back and place your palms on your knees. You can also cross your arms in front of your chest and place your palms at the underarms. Breathe slowly and stay in the position for 2-3 minutes. 



Savasana is an extremely easy and a super effective asana. It helps you to bring attention to every inch of your body while slowly and consciously relieving it from any kind of stress. This calms your mind and takes away all the negativity from it. 

How to do it: Lie flat on your back like in a sleeping position. Keep your legs apart and place your palms on the side. Now close your eyes and start breathing. Begin by focusing on your feet and consciously make them rest. Then make your way upwards, relieving every part of your body. Remember that you don’t have to sleep. You have to be fully attentive and wide awake to carry out this asana efficiently. 



This yoga pose involves the stretching of your entire body, from the head to the toes. It reduces any kind of fatigue from your body and helps you relax and calm down. Regular practice of this asana can help you to always stay happy, positive and stress free, far away from the land of overthinking. 

How to do it: Begin in a seated position and stretch your legs out in front of you. Now inhale and raise your hands and head upwards. Slowly exhale and allow your upper body to fold so that you can touch your toes with your fingers. If you’re not able to touch your toes just stretch as far as possible. With every inhale raise your hands in the air and then touch your toes as you exhale. Continue this cycle for a minute. 

These yoga poses can help you get as far away as possible from the habit of overthinking and will bring all sorts of positivity that you need and deserve. 

You can couple this practice with ayurvedic practices. You can check out various Ayurveda courses in India for the same.