When is the best time to consult the Gynaecologist?


Women of all ages are required to visit and consult the Top 10 Gynaecologist in India from time to time. This is because the experienced gynaecologist not only will be able to advise the person when she is pregnant but also before conceiving eh baby or to conceive much faster. Using professional help, it is possible to speed up the process. The specialist will enquire the person about her menstruation cycle and accordingly provide valuable advice about the best suited days for conceiving a healthy baby.

Several things might be there that the person may want to discuss with friends and colleagues and know about. But being embarrassed, the person might not go ahead with the common questions. These can be tackled by the gynaecologist and such professionals do play a vital role in the better sexual and reproductive health of the woman.

Some vital issues where consultation with the gynaecologist is necessary

  • Unsteady menstruation cycle: If the person experiences irregular monthly period pattern, then it is not normal and will require seeking the advice of the specialist. Even if the person is not pregnant and might have spotted between the periods, then the doctor is to be consulted. The period flow is also to be discussed with and to know if it is normal or requires special attention. At times, the wobbly monthly cycle could cause an infection, hormonal imbalance or cyst.
  • Occasional bleeding after having intercourse: If the person bleeds for the very first time, it is quite natural and no reason is present to panic. But, if it takes places more than once and is not occasional, then the gynaecologist is to be discussed with. Bleeding after intercourse might result in dryness of pre-cancerous cervical issue or infection.
  • Having a few sexual partners: Discussing with the doctor about sexual pleasures is likely to help to enjoy the intimidate pleasures offered by taking adequate safety measures and care. The person is advised to not hide anything and be open about any information that appears to be relevant.
  • Unprotected sex: Probably, the person had sexual intercourse without taking adequate protection and witnessed no changes in the monthly cycle including any kind of STD (sexually transmitted disease) symptoms. Still, the body is likely to be found vulnerable to few STDs that might not display any such symptoms. Few health problems like the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) might stay dormant and not triggered for several years. Hence, if the person had experienced unsafe sex recently, then it should be brought to the notice of the specialist without fail.
  • Supplements or medication being taken: If the person takes any kind of supplements or medication, then the gynaecologist should be let known about the same. The medication can also be to get pregnant, after a surgery or for birth control, etc. At times, there may arise complications with the intake of herbal supplements. The specialist should be updated about the medications being taken.
  • About contraception, family planning and safe sex: Today’s modern technology does allow easy access to varieties of valuable information. But still, the gynaecologist is best-visited avail useful advice about certain concerns and issues associated with adult women. Unwanted pregnancy, contraception and family planning, etc. are issues that can be better resolved by the specialist. The professional can advise the person on healthy habits to follow pertaining to family planning as well as having a baby. The specialist can provide better advice as to when to get pregnant and not.
  • Pap smear and vaccination: Doctor’s advice will be crucial to know about the type of pre-pregnancy vaccinations to be availed and when they are to be taken. Also, when planning to conceive, it will be necessary not to miss out on the regular pap smear. The professional can also provide information on cervical cancer and the type of vaccination to be taken for the same.

The Top 10 Gynaecologist in India is experts in their domain and have years of experience and exposure in this particular field. Their job is to advise women of all ages on various types of gynaecological issues during the different stages of their lives. The professionals are also specialists in low risk and high-risk pregnancy offering personalized midwifery care, right before conception to delivery of a healthy baby.