Tips to Make Your Workforce More Adaptable to Change

Adaptable to Change

In this ever-growing and fast-paced digital world, adaptability is the first and foremost attribute needed for an employee. Organizations especially that are related to software and technology should make their employees flexible enough to adapt to the change as technology evolves very rapidly. The ones who lag and are not adaptable, fade out easily and don’t add any value to the organization. If they don’t add any value, it’s obvious that organizations will lay them off.

Not only the employees who need to adapt to the change but also the employers, senior managers, and everyone in the organization. They say “change is the only constant” and it is relevant now more than ever due to technology. Adaptability doesn’t alone mean the technical skills, communication, and interpersonal skills are also equally important for a successful corporate career. But as a manager, how would you make your workforce adaptable to change? Keep reading the article to know more.

1)Regular communication:

Healthy communication is a must between the employees and the managers for good teamwork. With better communication, there is no room for misunderstandings and miscommunications in the projects or any work processes. An employer should be approachable enough for all the employees to share their discomforts, issues, and other mistakes at their workplace. If everything is clear and transparent, your employees also try to give their best coming out of their comfort zone.

2)Offer incentives:

To learn new skills and become more adaptable to change, your employees need motivation. If you are conducting employee training to help your employees learn a new skill, you have to incentivize it to get better results. For instance, Convergence training LMS is a tool for eLearning that provides certificates after course completion, along with many other rewards if you opt for their gamification features. Apart from these incentives, offering promotions and bonuses can also help.

3)Explain the larger picture:

When you want your team to adapt to new technology or a work process, try to explain the larger picture. It means that, let your team know about how big the project is and how it would help both the organization and employees in terms of business and career growth. Once you let them know the importance of it, they are most likely to embrace the change and give their best shot.

4)Instill a growth mindset:

In team meetings, motivate your employees in such a way that they develop a strong growth mindset. When they seek growth in their job, they automatically look for more opportunities and learn more to prove themselves. Over some time, it becomes like a habit to adapt to different situations and challenges very easily.

5)Set goals:

To boost the adaptability skills of your team, make sure you set goals for them to achieve to quantify their ability to change. But the goals should be very realistic and reachable, if not the employee might get demotivated even before starting to reach the goal. Set goals to reach each aspect of the skills so that the employee can improve their overall ability to adapt.

6)Provide feedback:

Feedback is an effective way to measure the progress of any task. If you set a goal for your employee, track his/her progress all by yourself and provide feedback on the aspects to improve. If not by you, build a peer-reviewing system where every employee reviews the growth of the other employee to help them get better. But ensure the feedbacks are always given without any prejudice or discrimination, appreciate constructive feedback only.


To wrap up, the skills to be flexible and adaptable to change will help you sail your corporate ship throughout your career. It’s never too late to build it, we hope this article helps you and your workforce to become more adaptable to change.