Roof Maintenance: How to Care for Your Roof

Roof Maintenance How to Care for Your Roof

On average, it costs more than $7,000 to replace a roof. Not only that but failing to replace a roof can lead to costly and dangerous repairs throughout the entire house. 

By practicing proper roof maintenance, you can avoid having to pay for unnecessary and costly roof repairs and replacement. And the best part is that roof maintenance is a fairly simple undertaking, so long as you do it correctly. 

And that’s where we come in. We’ve come up with a list of some of the most important roof maintenance tips that you need to know about. So keep on reading and we’ll walk you through everything you’ll want to know!

1. Regularly Check Your Shingles

The first step to maintaining a roof is to check up on it as often as you can. You especially want to check it out after high winds or a heavy storm. 

The good news is that you don’t need to climb up a rickety ladder to get a close up look at the roof. Instead, you just need a good pair of binoculars to look out for any possible issues. 

You should be looking for:

  • Missing granules
  • Peeling flashing
  • Cracked shingles
  • Curling shingles 
  • Missing shingles

If you spot any of the above signs of damage, then you should take care of them as soon as possible. You should consider reaching out to a professional roofing contractor, like those at New Roof Plus, to repair your shingles. 

2. Get a Professional Roof Inspection

Are you wondering why you need to pay for a roofing inspection when you’ve got this maintenance checklist right in front of you? A professional inspector will be able to notice any possible problems that you may have missed. They will also be able to provide you with specific tips for maintaining your roof. 

Read Also : 3 Crucial Roof Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

An inspector will also be able to give you a good estimate of how long you can expect your roof to last. Many roofers recommend that you get an inspection at least every two years. However, getting an inspection once a year will help you improve your odds of identifying possible issues before they turn into serious problems. 

3. Look for Leaks in Your Ceilings and Attic

If you find water stains inside your house and in your walls, that’s a problem. You can usually avoid this with proper maintenance. 

Just like how you should be checking on your roof regularly, you should do the same for your attic and ceilings. The most common signs of a leak are:

  • Bulging patches on your interior walls
  • Spots on your exterior walls
  • Water stains on your ceiling
  • Musty odors in certain rooms

If you notice any of these indicators, then you want to locate the leak. Then, call a professional the patch the hole up in your roof. 

4. Wash the Roof

Many homeowners will wash areas like their driveway but totally forget about washing their roofs. 

Eventually, your roof will begin to appear dirty. It will develop dark, long streaks that flow from top to bottom. This is algae that are growing on your home.

Algae don’t cause any immediate problems. But if you leave it long enough, it can rot your shingles slowly over time. 

In order to get rid of algae, you will need to spray your roof with a mixture of bleach and water. One part bleach to one part water should do the trick.

The bleach should quickly kill off the algae. However, you also want to install copper strips just underneath the peak of the roof. When it rains, the copper molecules are going to run down the roof and will kill off any algae that are trying to stage a comeback. 

5. Clean the Gutters

All roof maintenance checklists are going to include this vital tip. While it can be a dirty task, it’s crucial that you clean your gutters in order to properly maintain your roof.

A gutter that is clogged will make it easier for water to seep under the roof’s structure. This will lead to many stains throughout the home.

It’s generally recommended that you clean out your gutters twice a year. You should do it once in late spring and once again in the early fall. 

6. Patch Up Your Chimney

If your home has a chimney, whether it’s functional or not, you need to check for missing mortar or cracks. Any kind of structural damage to the chimney can result in bricks falling out. This can damage your roof and even lead your chimney to collapse.

You can patch up the cracks with a trowel or hire a professional to do it. 

A chimney that leans or slopes can be caused by problems with the house’s foundation. If you see that your chimney has moved, you should ask a contractor to check out the rest of your house for foundational issues. 

The Importance of Knowing About Proper Roof Maintenance

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better understanding of roof maintenance and roof care. As we can see, it’s not that difficult to maintain your roof. And while it might take up more time than you’d like, the energy that you put into maintenance will certainly save you in the long run. 

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