Role of HR in Employee Retention

Role of HR in Employee Retention

It is important to note, that if anyone in the organization plays an important role in the aspect of employee retention, it’s the HR of the company. Generally, employee retention programs include a lot of things like employee training, internal promotion, bonus, and of course working on the existing workplace policies so as to ensure that all the employees of the firm are satisfied with their working conditions. 

While the management will be implementing the necessary policies and changes, it is the duty and responsibility of the HR to conduct, recommend and help in the implementation of the employee retention policies. 

Though it’s a fact that reorganizations ensure a falling profit and are likely to bring forward a hike in salary, such reorganization structures provide the employees with a lot of benefits. 

Such benefit can be in the form of increments, extra work time off, flexibility in the work schedule and such other opportunities. 

So what is the role of an HR in the employee retention program? Let’s find out:

 Conducting Exit Interview: 

It is obvious that everyone will require a job for their sustenance and future prospect in life. Thus it is obvious that no employee will just leave their job like that. If an employee wishes to leave an organization or quit his/her existing job position, then the onus falls on the HR department of the organization to host an exit interview with the candidate. 

Such exit interviews are generally held to find out the reason behind the candidate leaving the job. As known, there can be ample reasons for which an employee may decide to leave the organization. The major reasons include conflict with management, with the immediate boss, bad work culture and environment, limited growth opportunity, less salary, etc. 

The Reason For Leaving:

It is the role of HR to find out why a certain candidate wants to leave the organization. This helps in avoiding future employee exits. Hiring is a very difficult process, and it really tedious for most companies to hire the right candidate for a given profile. 

Thus it’s important to check the track record of the candidates who want to move on. Additionally, it’s the duty of the HR to hold onto those employees who are indispensable to the organization. 

Choosing The Right Resource:

While the hiring process, HR has to be sure that he/she is hiring the right candidate who has the capability to fulfil the job role. This aspect is crucial for the purpose of employee retention. Many a time, if the right candidate is caught up doing the wrong job, then he/she might feel dissatisfied with the job role which might eventually lead to the employee calling quits on the organization. Thus it’s important to ensure that all the employees have been assigned duties pertaining to their area of interest. 

Employee Motivation Helps In Employee Retention:  

It is the duty of the HR to host motivational activities at the workplace in order to ensure a good percentage of employee retention.  The HR can host a lot of internal and external training programs in the workplace which will help the employee learn something extra beyond their work. 

Extracurricular activities can also be used for the overall development of the employees. Additionally, the HR of a firm must find out a way to hold appreciation programs. Employees like to know that they are valued in the organization and that the organization truly cares for them. In that light, an appreciation program helps in employee retention. 

To make things interesting and more permanent, appreciation certificates can also be distributed among the employees. You can easily create an awesome certificate using Canva.

Rewarding Performers For Employee Retention:

HR can bring in a lot of incentive schemes for top performers so as to motivate them to do better. This is yet another way of appreciating employees. When they are given rewards for their performance and good work, they feel that the organization values them. Such employees do not leave the organization quickly. 

In fact, they put in their very best and strive to do better each time. The employees who are doing a good job and are contributing to the growth of the firm can be rewarded with cash prizes, enticing perks, and certificates. A little ceremony can be held in the office for such employees so that other employees can see what they might get if they do their work better. 

Job Evaluation Can Help In Employee Retention:

All employees want their work to be reviewed. They appreciate feedback so that they can work better. In that light, it is the duty of the HR to get along with the different team leaders to evaluate the performance of each employee to make sure they are enjoying their work. 

Generally, employees look for change when they are unsatisfied with their job or when their job does not offer further growth. The task of the HR is to make sure that the job profile is exciting so that candidates do not have to quit the organization. 

Working On The Workplace Policies:

The policy a company implements directly impacts the company’s framework and overall structure. In that light, it is the duty of the HR to create rational and practical policies which can help the employees to thrive in the organization. 

At the same time, HR must review the existing policies to make sure that they improve. Sometimes, these pivotal arrangements decide whether or not core employees will stick to the organization or leave it to search for better job opportunities. 

So if you are an HR of a firm, make sure you are using these tips to hold back to your asset employees.