Raising Professional Standards in Strata

Raising Professional Standards in Strata

According to the Strata Community Association (SCA) in New South Wales, strata is now a professional industry. Thanks to Kevin Anderson, the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, who sanctioned a Professional Standards Scheme (PSS) for the New South Wales’ strata sector.

Commencing on 1st July, the change is scheduled for the next five years. Following that, Professional Standards Australia will keep an eye on strata management businesses that are active members of SCA (NSW) and whose staff take up positions in the board or committee to adhere to the Code of Ethics.

Does it affect owners?

It may impress you to know that even though it makes a difference for owners, it is for the best. The Professional Standards Scheme ensures the following benefits come your way:

  1. Since SCA will be monitoring its members’ conduct according to the set professional standards, there will be an improvement in consumer protection. You could translate it to better quality in services and, thus, a happier community!
  2. It prevents prejudice and promotes a faster response regarding owners’ complaints. How is this actioned? Separate from the normal internal process, a self-sufficient procedure has been created specifically for handling owners’ objections. Keeping that in mind, delayed repairs should be a thing of the past.
  3. It ensures that the industry remains up to date with the responsibilities of owners; there will be an increased Continual Professional Development (CPD) for those in charge of the strata community, such as Managers and Licensees. Therefore, whenever legislations change, owners will get to know and avoid being on the wrong side of the law, minimising lawsuits.

Strata Title Management, a member of SCA, seems to be taking the PSS positively. In support, STM’s State Manager and SCA’s board member Emily Doherty made it clear that the establishment fully backs up the cause. She added that the entire strata industry is excited about the change.

The team at STM is committed to the PPS and the improvements it is driving to put in place. Furthermore, STM is looking forward to taking their customer experience to a higher level, meaning that owners should expect a makeover of some details here and there. For STM, the PPS is a symbol of the development of strata as a profession.

Once the desired goals are achieved and the level of professional standing is high, it boosts the various stakeholders’ confidence.

To put it into perspective, sticking to professional standards in the strata industry is beneficial in the following ways:

  1. It creates a framework and a competent level that can compare to strata management businesses’ performance and identify issues. In turn, problems can be solved faster.
  2. It ensures fair treatment of staff in the strata industry, which means an end to unfair practices. On the other hand, the team is also bound from violating professional standards.
  3. It ensures that various stakeholders are accountable for their decisions and actions.
  4. It ensures owners’ satisfaction. With the introduction of a self-dependent complaint process, issues can be taken care of in time.


The future is bright for all the stakeholders in the strata industry. The Strata Community Association has recognized its importance with the upgrade to a professional sector. Following this, we may expect to see further advancements that go a long way in ensuring that our communities live better. Change is inevitable. With everyone’s support and commitment, higher standards of living are the result!

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