Parental Control Android App For Kids’ Safety

parental control app

Kids have coped up well with the fast-changing technology. They are way ahead of elders in exploring and experimenting with technology.  But in the course of coping with technology, children have unnecessarily developed an attachment and dependency. 

Smartphone addiction has reached such a point that parents are relentlessly searching for solutions in the market. And, to keep the best foot forward with kid’s digital discipline- parents are turning to parental control android apps– to secure teens & tweens at the right age.

Parental control apps have an answer for every situation. Right from blocking unsuitable apps to track your kid’s movement, parental control apps are your one-stop-shop. 

Secure and Monitor Child Smartphone

Parental control apps have revolutionized the smartphone monitoring industry. Child phone monitoring is free of cost with several other value-added features. 

The leading players in the market offer GPS enabled tracking tools, to assist working parents. GPS has played a vital role in monitoring kids.  

Geofencing is another innovation brought to life by GPS technology. The geofence alert is an exceptional technology that notifies parents when their kids enter or exit a defined vicinity. A parent busy with a long day meeting can at least know their kid’s whereabouts through quick notifications.

Another exciting functionality which impresses us is GPS driven speeding alert. Generally, parents fret their kids on the streets, speeding away without learning the repercussions. The problem lies when the thrilling experience causes accidents and parents are unable to reach on time. Speed alerts make life easier by sending quick alerts when the child carelessly exceeds the set speed limit. 

In case, you are speculative about the monitoring features and suitability for your kids. Let us introduce you to an app that includes all the right set of parental controls to secure child and monitor smartphone addiction.

What is the best parental control app?

While there are several parental control apps in the market, it is advisable to use an app that offers a complete package to save kids from smartphone addiction and track them during an emergency. However, in the haste of getting the best app, do not ignore the user experience of the app. 

Very few apps in the market have met the benchmark of being an advanced parental control with easy to use user interface. Bit Guardian Parental control app has been on the top of the list because of the same reason. This app is a perfect example of a comprehensive parental control with a straightforward operating screen.

Bit Guardian offers all the core parental control solutions. The app is designed to simplify the concept of digital parenting keeping the sophisticated tools and tricks behind. 

How to use Bit Guardian Parental control app for child safety?

Firstly, Bit guardian parental control app is no rocket science. Every feature in the app is self-explanatory and barely takes a couple of seconds to grasp. Secondly, the app has the right blend of features – not too much not too less. 

Now as far as setting up the app is concerned; we do not see any hiccups in the process- smooth and easy to understand. The process has a few key steps which are elaborated below:

–    Android users can download the app from the Play store or get the link on the BGPC website.

–    Click and install the app in child and your device.

–    Select the mode of the app based on the role you are playing – parent or child.

–    Now, create an account on the parent device

–    Add a kid you want to track and control remotely. Provide your kid’s information like name, gender, number and date of birth.

–    This information is all you need to start monitoring your kid.

How has Bit Guardian Parental Control app benefited parents and kids?

Bit Guardian parental control app is comparatively new in the market yet the app has created a decent name in the industry due to its comprehensive and straightforward features. Most customers have appreciated the fact that unlike other apps, Bit Guardian is reasonably less complicated.

This app has been of great benefit to parents in several ways. Some of the stories that we have been able to grab from the happy customers are given below:

  1.   Carry kid’s location to the office

Worried parents can loosen their worry before entering the office premise as Bit Guardian assures all round tracking by Location finder and Geofencing. 

Your kid’s location is one click away from your site. Each time you want to confirm their location merely tap the location icon. 

Geofencing is another useful technique to ensure your kid enters and exits neighborhoods at the right time without any alarms. Parents are alerted each time the kid exits the virtual boundary set, ensuring they are in the safe zone.

  1.   Increase the study hours by reducing screen time

Majority of the parents are worried about the reducing study hours due to the time consumed by smartphones.  The growing need to streamline kids study hour has led to the use of a time schedule that reduces the screen time during study hours or bedtime. As an option, parents can cut down screen time by setting curfew hour for specific addictive apps.

  1.   Keeping a check on the speed limit

It is hard to control kids speed limit even if you are a stay-at-home parent. Bit Guardian parental control app created the speed alert focusing the raging teens on the road. 

Next time your teen is out on the street by themselves, you can receive immediate alerts when your kid starts over speeding. 

  1.   Remotely controlling the kid’s smartphone

One unique functionality of Bit guardian’s parental control is the ability to control the kid’s phone remotely. The kiosk mode allows parents to initiate a phone launcher having a fixed number of apps on the kid’s screen, beyond which your kid has nowhere to go. Kiosk mode is the most sort after solution for extremely addictive kids.

  1.   Panic alerts for kid’s overall safety

No parent desires to leave their kid’s side at a difficult crossroad; however, if you cannot be omnipresent, you can at least provide your kid with a button to reach out for help. Bit Guardian’s SOS button is very handy and decently loud to grab the attention of parents. Parents get notified immediately when the kid presses the SOS button for help.

Secure teen by the best parental control app

Bit Guardian’s parental control software is hands down the best parental control app for Android. There may be some highly advanced players in the market but the ease of use being the deal breaker, it is easy to vote for Bit Guardian in this category.

Parental control apps do not need to be complicated to secure kids but easy to operate to help kids quickly. With the same thought process in mind, we urge parents to invest in the best parental control apps for Android devices to secure teens from the digital perils.