What Is Online Reputation Management and How It May Benefit You

Online Reputation Management
businessman pressing button on virtual screens

Online reputation management may seem like an abstract term but it is very simple to understand. It has become a necessity for many and it may even benefit you in more ways than you would think.

What is Online Reputation Management

Most companies that offer this type of service have a clear purpose. They monitor all mentions of a brand, website, online persona and address negative comments and false allegations. It is not the same as PR but it does share some common traits.

Unlike PR, online reputation management focuses on portraying a company in the best light possible but in a different manner. While PR companies publish content and use advertising to promote the image of a company, online reputation management has a reactive approach. It looks for potential damaging content and addresses it individually.

How it Can Benefit You

Online reputation management does not ignore negative feedback. While many would be tempted to ignore unhappy customers, it is far from being an ideal practice. Communicating with unhappy customers or negative comments shows your commitment to making as many people happy. It may even convert some of these unhappy customers into returning customers. Many large companies use such strategies to show empathy towards their customers, collect feedback and address negative comments.

Another way in which online reputation management helps is to stop the spread of negative comments or negativity associated with your brand. Negative opinions can be overturned if they are addressed properly. A lack of response will only cause more negative comments and opinions to spread.

At the same time, online reputation management improves your credibility. By taking ownership of mistakes, showing remorse, and addressing all these problems will improve how others perceive you and your brand.

Lastly, having a solid online reputation management strategy can help you stay relevant in search results. Having more and more people talk about you or your brand improves your search ranking. Search engines do not care if you are addressing positive or negative feedback. As long as you or your brand are a topic of interest and people talk about you, your search ranking will continue to improve.


An online reputation management strategy cannot be done by a single individual. It requires a qualified team that knows how to manage brands of companies and individuals. There is a great degree of work involved depending on the scale of a brand and how much of a following it attracts.

What is important to note is that many companies that offer online reputation management have their tools and automation in place to make the work easier. Sometimes, automated messages can work. Human intervention is required now and then. All these aspects make it very difficult for a company to manage its online reputation which is why most of the time, this activity is outsourced. If you value your brand, you need to address negative comments, false statements, and customer feedback. It is the only way to gain more control over how your brand is perceived and how you can ensure that your online image does not suffer.

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