All you need to know about Democratic politics ncert book of class 9: A brief introduction on concepts

Democratic politics

Democratic politics of class 9 deals with the civics portion. It is an introduction to political science and is taught as a social science class 9 chapter. In this chapter, students will learn about the various forms of democracy, the five models of democracy, and more.

  1. Democratic politics is the process of making decisions about distributing resources within a society or between societies and the principles and practices used to make these decisions.
  2. Democratic politics is an integral part of representative democracy, which is the type of democracy in which citizens elect representatives to govern on their behalf.
  1. In most democracies, democratic politics takes place at the nation or state level. National legislatures, for example, are responsible for making laws that affect the whole country. States also have their governments, which make decisions about education and healthcare.
  1. The goal of democratic politics is to create a fair and equitable society, where everyone has an equal say in how resources are distributed.

History of Democracy

The history of democracy can be traced back to ancient Greece. In Athens, the first democratic government was established in 508 BC. This government was led by five men who the people elected. The people had a say in what laws were made and how they were enforced.

The Roman Republic was also a form of democracy. This government was established in 509 BC and lasted until 476 AD. During this time, the Roman Republic was one of the most powerful empires in the world. It is credited with many accomplishments, including building roads, bridges, and aqueducts.

During the middle Ages, democracy slowly began to decline. Many people believed it was too unstable and could not handle complex problems. Kings and queens were often chosen by the nobility, which limited the power of the people.

The Enlightenment led to the revival of democracy. In 1789, France became the first country to adopt a Declaration of Rights that included a declaration of rights to equality and freedom. This led to the French Revolution, which established a republic in 1795. The French Revolution also led to the creation of other democracies around Europe, including Britain and America.

Federalism in India

In India, the federal system of government is based on cooperative federalism. This means that the nine states and union territories are divided into regions with a certain autonomy. The central government delegates powers to these regions but retains the ultimate authority to monitor and oversee their actions.

Each region has its own Parliament and government, which are responsible for carrying out the policies set by the central government. The central government also has a vital role in economic development and ensuring that all citizens access essential services.

The federal system of government in India has successfully provided for the diverse needs of the country’s people. It has fostered cooperation between different parts of the country and helped to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in society.

The Constitution of India and its Processes

The Constitution of India, which came into effect on January 26, 1950, is the longest and most comprehensive Constitution globally. It consists of three parts: the Preamble, the Part A (Prevention of Disaffection) and the Part B (Administration of Justice) chapters.

The Constitution was drafted by a committee appointed by the Indian Parliament. The committee was made up of representatives from all sections of Indian society and had to consider different voices and opinions. The committee met for over two years and submitted its report to Parliament in December 1948.

The Constitution is divided into Parts A and B, with Part A dealing with social and economic issues and Part B dealing with political matters. The Constitution has been amended twenty-seven times, the most recent being in 2004.

The Constitution has played a significant role in shaping India’s democracy. It guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens, including the right to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association, equality before law, and protection from arbitrary arrest. It also provides for a parliamentary system of government with a bicameral legislature: the RajyaSabha (upper house) and the LokSabha (lower house).

Electoral System in India

The electoral system in India is based on the representation of voters by political parties. Each voter can choose one party to vote for in the elections. The party that gets the most votes in a particular constituency represents that constituency in the Parliament.

The electoral system is also based on the principle of proportional representation. This means that every party gets a share of seats in Parliament based on the number of votes it receives. This prevents any party from gaining too much power and controlling the government.

The electoral system in India has been controversial for many years. Many people feel that it gives too much power to the various political parties. Others argue that it is the best system possible given the diversity and complexity of Indian politics.


Democratic politics is participating in the democratic process within a political system. It encompasses ideologies and practices that seek to create a more just society by promoting popular rule, civil rights, grassroots activism, and coalition-building. Democratic politics can take many different forms, but its goal remains the same: to ensure that all people have an equal say in how they are governed. You will find more solutions on Infinity Learn for class 9 social science.