Labor Day 2022 The Noble Occasion That Celebrates Workers

Labor day 2022

Labor Day 2022 date is on May 1st. Labor Day is a noble occasion observed as the worker’s day. Dedicating this day to employees all over the world is important. It is a day that appreciates the Labours’ work, efforts, and sacrifices. In India, it is called Mayday. The 1st day of May and the entire month is for celebrating workers.

Further, the first workers’ day in India is on 1923. Labour Kisan Party are first to introduce this concept in India. The government needs to provide a holiday for the workers on May 1st. Also, there are much more interesting history and significance of labours day. Let us get to know more about this important day. 

The origin and significance 

The origin of this day is from America, where the first protest of Labours started back in 1800’s. The reason for the protest is to reduce heavy labour rules. Some of the pressures many workers face are harsh working conditions, Violations and high working hours. Also, Due to all injustices in the workplace, workers of that period thought of voicing out. 

Further, it is a protest that did stop the work of labours on that day. Due to this revolt, the holiday on workers’ day is important. In the late 1800s, there were less freedom and rules for labourers. During that time, this protest arouses politics. Also, two of the workers were killed on that day for standing up for their freedom. The only request by the workers was to offer them Eight hours of work instead of 16 hours. 

For this matter, the police made an open fire and killed two innocent workers. After this horrific event, more workers show their support for the protest. Still, all these protests did not receive proper results from the government. In 1916, the government recognised that 8 hours working hours is suitable for labour. Also, they thought that this would reduce the pressure on workers. 

The start of Labour Day in India 

There are several names for Labour Day in India. The Indian province of Madras was the first to commemorate Labour Day back in 1923. In other cities of India, it is a day named Maharashtra day and Gujarat day. In all parts of the national schools, offices and universities remain close on this day. There are even several parades and activities to appreciate the efforts of workers. Some of the topics discussed in programs are equality, labour rules and more. 

 Every year this day falls on May 1st, regardless of the day. Labor Day 2021 was on Saturday, May 1st. Essential workers all across the nation received appreciation for their efforts from the citizens. 

The holiday for a whole nation 

The labour communities and all the workers over the country receive a day off on May 1st. There are street parades about Espirit de Corps and the strength of labour. There are several entertainment programs in all offices and institutions. Further, on this day, prominent leaders speak about labours. There is more emphasis on civic and economic topics on this day. 

Further, the nature of this worker’s day is changing rapidly over the years. The large organizations plan for a large parade on this day. It is a day that represents workers in many industries. Especially this list includes government employees, teachers, industrial workers, clerks and more. On Labour Day, there are new updates about the increase in labourers’ pay and other rules related to labour.