5 Tips for Proper Home Exterior Maintenance

Home Exterior Maintenance

Keeping a home in the best shape takes time to maintain – regardless if it’s indoor or outdoor.  In most cases, maintaining the exterior home helps avoid the occurrence of internal issues. If a home has not been scheduled for exterior maintenance in a long time, it must be checked as soon as possible – this will prevent further damage and might cost more in the later if not addressed. One might not realize it, but it can make a huge difference.

Tasks for the interior, such as changing the air conditioner filters, painting walls, cleaning cabinets, and appliances, are not hard to remember. However, exterior maintenance is more critical for a home’s long-term health.

Maintaining the exterior keeps away the moisture, pests, rot, and decay – further protecting the home. Inspecting the roof by starting with patching up gaps, washing the exterior, up fixing cracks in concrete keeps the house in great shape for the whole year. 

Reading a book while drinking a glass of tea might be the right way of spending free time; however, doing home maintenance might be more productive – and beneficial – before you relax. Here is a maintenance checklist to keep a home’s exterior in great shape.


For gutters to work correctly, they need to be cleaned and maintained regularly – just having rain gutters for a home is not enough.

An effective gutter system must be free from holes, gaps, and be adequately pitched towards the downspouts. Furthermore, make sure gutters are not pulling away from the house. When a drain is pulling away or sagging from home, it is because of the clog and faulty internal hangers. Lastly, downspouts must be free of debris and set five feet away from the base of the house.

Leaves, shingle grit, pine needles – this debris are causing the gutters to clog and preventing the water from diverting away. In the later, water may overflow onto the soffit and fascia, back up onto the roof, and pool around the base of the house – it’s almost the same as to not using any gutters at all.


Often, homeowners forget to give attention to foundation although it’s there – it supports all other vital components in a home, including the rooms, furniture, and even the occupants above. Most of the time, homeowners only start to think about their home’s foundations when something wrong comes up. By that time, it’s too late to do preventive maintenance – fixing it costs more. 

Any building is dependent on its foundation – this is where it gets its strength. For a home to last for a long time, its foundation must not only be reliable, but it must also be maintained as well. Through time, a home’s foundation can become weak or damaged, especially when human-made or natural disasters arrive. 

Once the foundation goes unchecked and gets damaged, several problems may occur – some issues might remain unnoticed. Topics such as cracking and bowling of the walls, water issues caused by the damaged walls, and weakened structural integrity may show up in the future. Fortunately, preventing these issues from happening is possible – some companies provide services and skills to restore a house’s foundation and make it look like a new one.

Water might not seem like a severe problem, but through time it can crumble, even the mightiest structures – therefore, it is essential to make a house’s foundation waterproofed. Moreover, although there’s no need for a basement, having an extra space with a stronger foundation may be beneficial.


Siding’s primary job is to protect the house from weather elements such as rain and wind. Furthermore, insulated siding may prevent energy from escaping the house’s interior – a helpful tool in reducing energy bills and keeping occupants comfortable. Plus, it is a significant design element of a home – an attracting and well-maintain siding boosts the overall value of a home.

If sidings are not maintained and looked after, water can enter and damage the frame of the house. Moisture may be trapped – leading to exterior damages such as mold growth and rotting wood. Also, damaged siding may require an HVAC system to guzzle more energy to compensate as conditioned air may escape through the walls. As a result, the home will be less comfortable, and more bills will be more costly.

However, put in mind that not all siding materials have the same maintenance requirements. For example, metal siding requires regular maintenance to remove rust. On the other hand, in maintaining stucco siding, there is a need to look carefully for holes and stains. When keeping wood, look for cracks, holes, and deterioration. Vinyl siding only requires a little effort; however, it must be cleaned now and then using mild soap and water.


Often, a driveway gets overlooked until they stain or crack. One of the most used areas in a house, the driveway deserves attention by making swift repairs – it does not only extend a driveway’s lifespan and preserve its appearance; it can help save money for the long term.

In leaving a great impression on visitors, the driveway plays a crucial role, especially if there is a plan to sell the house. Once potential buyers see a poorly maintained driveway, there may be a perception that the rest of the house is in a similar state. Additionally, having private parking is considered a premium feature – it adds a ten percent markup of a home’s value.

Consistent maintenance and repair of driveway show how vigilant and proactive a homeowner can be – detecting and reacting to slight changes such as cracks, potholes, or even stains result in a solid foundation. Asking for professional assistance in recognizing damages may also be an excellent option – rather than reach out for help when the foundation is compromised, better act once it begins to deteriorate. Plus, instead of laying down a fresh one, resurfacing and resealing the driveway is more straightforward and cost-effective.

Note that other DIY actions, such as intensive cleaning and avoiding heavy vehicle use, will prolong the life of a driveway. However, repairing the driveway is focused on targeting damage, while maintaining the driveway may involve installing upgrades.


A beautifully designed roof compliments the whole house. As the house’s overall quality suffers when the roof gets insufficient attention, initiating regular maintenance will keep the house’s condition and appearance. Otherwise, the roof’s design may suffer.

Weather changes may bring risks for a home – its structural stability may get affected. At the same time, the roof is susceptible when it happens as heavy rains from storms, or even too much heat can deteriorate the roof. One might argue that it won’t eradicate the roof; however, it can still bring damage. As regular maintenance helps identify problems brought by the weather changes, it’s easier and faster to apply solutions.

Regular maintenance saves money – without it, several problems may develop and get worse through time. If the issues remain unattended, repairing them will cost more money. In worse cases, replacing the entire roof is necessary, which would require you to at least spend tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your home. 

The roof needs as much attention as it can have – through regular maintenance, it gives security, and its lifespan will last longer. Moreover, roof maintenance is not only beneficial for the roof but the entire house. 

By preserving the roof and the house’s other exterior, the family is safe when they are at home.