How to Teach a Puppy to Walk on a Leash

Teach a Puppy

Puppies everywhere love their freedom, but sometimes they get a little too excited and wind up in sticky situations. In those moments, it can be helpful to walk your pup on a leash. But how do you teach them to love the leash? There are services that can help you train your dog to walk on a leash, such as Off Leash K9 Phoenix. You can click here for K9 prices. However, if you want to do it yourself, here are some tips:

Introducing the Harness and Leash

Make sure to get your puppy used to the harness and leash from a young age, as soon as possible. Introduce them slowly, and don’t try to force them into things they’re not ready for. Start by putting on the leash and letting them smell it without pulling on it. Then put the harness on with no leash connected, just so they get accustomed to seeing and wearing it. This way, they’ll have no negative associations with the harness and leash when you begin to walk them on a leash.

Play The Follow Game 

Once your dog is well-acquainted with the harness and leash,  teach him to be by your side. Have them on their leash and give them treats for following you around the house. Treats are important for this process, as they motivate your dog to follow you. This teaches them that following you is a good thing. Once your dog gets the hang of this game, move outdoors into a fenced-in yard or somewhere else with plenty of space.

Take Him For Walks

Once your dog is used to being on the leash, take him out for walks severally. Take turns walking so that they get accustomed to it as a normal part of their daily routine. This will make them less anxious about the harness and leash and make it a lot easier for you to control their movements. You can start by walking around the house or yard or pacing in a straight line for about 10 minutes. Once your dog has learned how to walk on a leash, start increasing the amount of time they are free and unconfined.

Take A Hike

Finally, you can take your dog on a hike. Take along lots of treats and make sure to spend some time playing fetch and other games with him, as well as giving him lots of praise when he stays close by your side. More praise might be necessary on this type of walk to keep his attention focused on you. If your pup is uncomfortable or starts pulling on the leash, try slowing down or changing directions. Continue walking until they get used to the situation again, and then resume your journey at a quicker pace. Make sure that you aren’t overdoing it; if your dog begins panting or their paws start blistering, it’s probably time to end the walk.


If your puppy is constantly pulling on the leash, You can stop and try using a harness that has a built-in leash holder. Just hook the leash onto the holder and then slip the harness on your dog. This gives you extra leverage when trying to keep them in line.


Lunging is another issue that might occur when you’re trying to walk your puppy on a leash. If it’s your pup’s first time using the collar, then they might be curious about their movements and dart back and forth. To stop this behavior,  you can redirect their attention by offering treats, this way, they’ll focus on what you’re doing rather than their own movements.  


Leash training your dog also comes with its share of barking issues. If your pup is barking constantly, you can incorporate some activities and games such as fetch so that he can burn off some energy. Playing little games like this can distract your dog from barking and will also exercise his mind, which will help him to feel calmer.

Teaching your dog to walk on a leash can be done simply by following these steps and taking things slow so that they don’t develop any bad associations with wearing a collar and being on a leash. Once they are used to it, the harness and leash will become a part of their daily routine, and you will have gained more control over your energetic pup! However, if you find yourself growing more frustrated than anything, you may want to consider hiring a professional dog  trainer.