Georgia Election Case: Ex-President Donald Trump Arrested

Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump, the ex-president of the United States of America, is once again featuring repeatedly on internet searches. We know that Mr. Trump is a famous personality who has gained popularity over the years for various reasons. But this time, the reason is something that he would like to forget soon enough.

In the judgement of the historic 2020 Georgia election case, Mr Trump was arrested. He thus became the first among the US presidents to end up behind bars. Therefore, if you wish to know more in this regard, then this article will be the perfect place for you to be.

The Georgia Election Case

Trump is the very first president in the history of the United States to visit a prison for breaking the law. In the Georgia election case, the court found him guilty of influencing the election outcomes. Incidentally, he lost the election to Joe Biden. The court is using evidence against Trump to prove his guilt. The evidence is a phone call recording where he is said to have asked the person in charge of elections in Georgia to help him by changing the number of votes so that he could win.

He got arrested because he’s accused of breaking a law in Georgia called the Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organizations Act, and he also faces six charges of working together with others to do illegal things like forgery (making fake documents), pretending to be a government official, and giving false information. He is dealing with 13 serious charges in Georgia. One of these charges is called racketeering, which is usually used against organized crime groups. He’s accused of pushing people in the government to change the result of the election he lost. He also tried to make a group of people who weren’t really chosen properly to mess up the official confirmation of Biden winning the 2020 election.

The Georgia Election Case

What Followed Next

In the picture that the sheriff’s office released, Trump looked angrily at the camera. He was wearing a dark blue suit, a white shirt, and a red tie. After he got arrested, Trump, who is the top choice to be the Republican candidate for president in 2024, talked to the people who write about the news. He said that it was a really sad day for the United States. Trump put the picture of him when he got arrested on his own Truth Social website. He wrote “Election Interference” under the picture and put a link to his campaign website.

The jail in Fulton County said that Trump is six feet and three inches tall (1.9 meters), he weighs 215 pounds (97 kilograms), and his hair is either blond or strawberry coloured.

A Bit Of History

A Bit Of History

Mr. Trump has seen four charges of crimes since April. This is making the year very dramatic because he needs to go to court frequently and also wants to run for presidential chair again.When he was arrested the other times this year, they didn’t take a picture of him. This happened when he got arrested in New York for giving money to a movie star to keep quiet, in Florida for not taking care of secret government papers, and in Washington for trying to change the fact that he lost the election in 2020 to Joe Biden, who is a Democrat.

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