External Antennas Helps In Improving Speed And Signal Strength

External Antennas

If you are using 3G or 4G broadband services, then you need to attach an external antenna to your router for better speed and reliability of your internet connection. However, when selecting an external antenna, there are a number of antenna options to consider. To begin with, you should decide whether you should purchase an omni-directional antenna or a directional antenna. Apart from that, you also need to know the frequency ranges supported by the antenna, number of connectors it supports etc.

To get the best performance from a 4G broadband connection, it is important to invest in an external antenna. It will enhance the signal strength of your internet connection and offer quicker download speeds and a highly reliable connection.

Points to consider before purchasing an external antenna

  • Is the download speed being restricted by your 4G connection or is it the strength of the Wi-Fi between your router or device?

Usually two things affect the download speed of the device- signal quality of 4G connection and strength of Wi-Fi connection between device and router. If it is the Wi-Fi signal which is lowering your download speed, you should check mesh networking technology rather than Wi-Fi.

  • Check different placements for the router

Usually you should place the router close to a window. An upstairs window will work better than a downstairs window as there will be lesser obstructions.

  • Upgrade your router for better performance

Upgrading to a more powerful router will help you get better speed and internet connection. It enhances the performance of the device by as much as adding an additional antenna.

  • Check to ensure that your router supports the use of an external antenna

Usually 4G broadband routers allow you to connect to an external antenna. However, with some routers it may not be possible for you to use it. Hence, it is important to check whether your router supports external antenna or not before you purchase one.

How to select an antenna?

Omni-directional vs. directional antenna

The first thing is to decide whether you need an omni-directional or directional antenna. An omni-directional antenna can pick up a mobile signal for any direction it is coming from. You don’t have to specially align your antenna. A directional antenna can only pick a mobile signal from one direction. Hence, you need to align your antenna to pick that signal. The benefit is that you can enhance the amount of gain from one side.

MIMO and Number of Connectors

4G technology uses a technique known as MIMO to enhance the speed available on the network. It makes your router use several antennae to link with the mobile network at the same time.

Today the 4G routers support 2 x 2 MIMO which means it will use two antenna to communicate with the connection. 

Keeping all the above things in mind you should proceed to buy 4g antennas for your router. If you are looking forward to buy one, then M2M Connectivity is your one-stop solution. Pick the one feasible for your broadband router and buy it now!