Declining Health – 4 Signs You Need Help from a Professional

Declining Health

With the rapidly degrading environmental quality, the healthcare sector all across the globe has witnessed a massive surge in the intensity of infectious diseases. Although years old, some of these illnesses have mutated and developed stronger, more resistant forms that are almost impossible to treat. Time and time again, science emphasizes that prevention is better than cure, but we humans choose to turn a blind eye. 

We treat healthcare and preventative medicine as a luxury rather than a necessity, taking action only when we begin noticing visible signs of distress. But the chances are that the illness has already worsened by the time we consult a doctor. Each second counts, especially when it comes to chronic or terminal disorders that worsen with every passing stage. A slight delay in detection could be the only standing difference between life or death. Perhaps the path to recovery without permanent damage is early detection followed by swift treatment. 

Symptoms of Underlying Health Issues

While we cannot protect ourselves from every illness that exists today, we can certainly take measures to reduce our chances of contracting them. The key to protection lies in awareness and knowledge. We must educate ourselves regarding common disorders, their underlying causes, and associated markers. It will allow us to recognize potentially harmful signs before they transition to life-threatening consequences. 

Likewise, we must be wary of unhealthy behaviors and practices that lead to declining health. For instance, indulging in alcohol and misusing drugs are harmful practices that deteriorate our health and require the intervention of specialists. To rid ourselves of such habits, we must approach reliable health facilities like the Delphi Health Group and receive proper treatment. 

Moving on, we have compiled a list of some common signs associated with severe health-related issues that often go undetected.


Fever is perhaps the most obvious foreteller that the body isn’t functioning optimally. Higher temperatures are associated with the body’s immune response to a foreign invasion. In other words, persistent fever that doesn’t go away and keeps coming back indicates that the body is fighting some illness. 

When bacterial or viral agents infiltrate the body, they form a parasitic attachment with the system, utilizing host machinery and nutrition to further their growth. In doing so, they release chemicals called pyrogens. These chemicals gradually make their way to the hypothalamus, a brain region known to control involuntary mechanisms like blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and temperature. Pyrogens deceive the hypothalamus by triggering cold-sensing neurons and numbing the heat-sensing ones, causing a rise in body temperature. The added heat benefits the body by activating healthy WBC and antibody production. Stubborn, persistent fever should never be ignored and always be treated. 

Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue is often confused with being tired, but that couldn’t be further from reality. Chronic fatigue is a more annoying and persistent condition that doesn’t go away no matter how much rest one takes. It is characterized by extreme loss of energy, weakness, and lethargy that hinder our ability to perform everyday tasks. 

It is known that growing bacterial and viral agents feed off of host nutrition to further their spread. When foreign invaders attack the body, it works harder than normal to ward off toxic agents, slow their progression, and neutralize cell damage. Since the body is continuously at war with itself, it must direct all its vitalities and force to combat the illness, leaving behind limited energy for daily tasks. Individuals who suffer from constant wear-out and exhaustion find it difficult to keep up with everyday responsibilities. 


Commonly called swelling or bloating, edema is a sure sign of an underlying health issue, often indicating that the body’s lymphatic system is under attack. This system consists of critical capillaries, vessels, and lymph nodes that monitor blood levels and regulate the secretion of bodily fluids. By now, we’ve established that foreign agents suppress immune system function by secreting a wide variety of toxic chemicals and carcinogens when they multiply. The blood carries these lethal agents to the lymph nodes, where they accumulate trigger mutations and cause the system to malfunction. This toxic buildup blocks the system’s essential capillaries and arteries, disrupting their ability to drain fluid. 

With nowhere to go, excess secretions start leaking onto surrounding organs and tissue, where they pile up, leading to the formation of ascites. Additionally, some bacteria also degrade albumin within the blood, giving rise to long-term protein deficiency, which is also associated with unwanted and unexplained swelling. Either way, bloating that doesn’t go away by itself is an undeniable sign of trouble necessitating professional help. 

Fluctuating Weight

Sudden weight loss or gain without changes in one’s diet or activity levels indicates that the body is under extreme stress. Infectious cells demand a lot more nutrition than normally functioning cells. They have no vitalities of their own and rely solely on the host’s energy to grow and divide. Thus, the food that is supposed to vitalize the body starts fueling the spread of infection. This energy theft leaves the body lacking energy and nutrition, causing it to burn a larger number of calories, even at rest. Additionally, the chemicals secreted by foreign agents trigger nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, factors which together result in involuntary and sudden weight loss. 

However, some infectious agents behave differently and contrarily impact the body. Certain invaders produce toxins that target the body’s endocrine system, affecting its function and creating a major hormonal imbalance. Inadequate hormone production affects the body’s metabolic rate, slowing it down and disrupting its ability to degrade fats or process calories. And unabsorbed nutrition can cause the victim to gain a couple of extra pounds when accumulated within the body. 

Key Takeaway

Symptoms usually vary from patient to patient and depend largely on the region of the body afflicted with damage. But the signs mentioned above are general markers common to most diseases. Being informed about these indicators, observing preventative measures, and scheduling regular checkups with a professional, are small but effective habits. And they’ll save you from many life-threatening issues.