From Colic to Healthy: The Best Type of Feeding Bottle for Your Baby

Colic to Healthy
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Bearing children is one of the most exciting parts of married life. Having cute little ones add up inspiration to life. Their innocent smiles do wonders because all the day’s stress is instantly wiped out. But what if such an expectation turns out differently? Instead of having a happy and smiling baby, your house is filled with his alarming cry that lasts for hours or more. Worse, this condition can span from three to four weeks. What will you do?

Are you aware that this behavior reflects a “colic” condition? Colic is represented by a heavy and prolonged cry that is like screaming or in pain. Some symptoms require your immediate attention. Although its causes remain vague despite rigorous research, one recommended solution is using an anti-colic bottle during feeding.

Alternatively, use an anti-colic bottle when feeding him if he is under the baby formula.

Curious enough?

Let’s explore the details about colic.

What Is Colic?

Colic is an unusual pattern of babies crying hard that extends for three hours a day. It occurs during the infant stage, which may prolong up to four weeks. It comes with a few common identified risk factors:

  • Less burping

  • Food sensitivity

  • Lots of gas in the stomach

Unless there are medical connotations, this condition goes away without any treatment. You only need mental and emotional stability to handle a baby’s discomfort. Otherwise, it could be a relevant source of a mother’s postpartum depression experience.

The Symptoms

Infants do normally tend to fuss and cry in their first three months. While there is a typical form of crying, be observant because their cry could sound unusual. In most cases, no apparent reason left you clueless in handling the issue.

Below is a list of a few hints to identify colic:

  • Crying is different from how they express it when they’re hungry or in need of a diaper change.

  • Unusual fussiness even after they’re done crying.

  • Episodic crying seems to go with patterns which occur mostly during nighttime.

  • Cries involve skin flushing or blushing.

  • When they cry, it is accompanied by stiffened body parts: arms, legs, or stomach. Sometimes, they arch their back or clench their fists.

How To Handle Colic Behavior?

How To Handle Colic Behavior

As parents, observing infants’ behaviours must be put in place. Monitor closely for any possible change. Look for symptoms to compare situations. Symptoms cannot be overlooked because they could manifest as colic or underlying illness.

To address it properly, see a doctor immediately. You must know the possible contributing factors.

If it concerns the digestive system, feed him using an anti-colic bottle. But if you are breastfeeding your baby, his colic behaviour might be triggered by the kind of diet you follow. He could be sensitive to the proteins in your milk. You must eliminate these foods from your diet: cabbage, milk products, caffeine, and onions. Or, talk to your paediatrician for helpful advice.

Other helpful tips:

  • Avoid overfeeding by following recommended feeding time intervals like 2 or 2 ½ hours.

  • Ease away his discomfort by walking him using a baby carrier device.

  • Try to introduce a pacifier.

  • Have him laid upon his tummy across your knees and give him a gentle and soothing massage on his back.

Be mindful that you don’t get stressed out. You can’t pass on calmness to your baby when you are anxious about his discomforts.

Alternatively, use an anti-colic bottle when feeding him if he is under formula.

The Best Anti-Colic Bottle

If your baby’s cry is caused by a lot of gas in his stomach, feed him using a special type of bottle—an anti-colic bottle. It’s designed to reduce the air he swallows during feeding without disrupting the flow of milk. There’s no chance for the air to slip through his lips and bottle’s nipple, which a regular bottle does.

Do anti-colic bottles help?

In this world of modern technology, this type of bottle works. But to be certain, a few of the important features must be considered before buying one for your colic baby.

  • The bottle has a shape like that of a mother’s breasts. Its nipple lets the sucking mimic natural breastfeeding.

  • Prevents air swallowing during feeding. The design must have a clever vented base.

  • The teat must be soft with a wide belly for holding full milk. Also, it should have wide base flexes that resemble the actual mum’s breasts movements.

  • It must have internal vents capable of preserving vitamins in milk.


Nothing is more worry-triggering than hearing a baby’s cry that lasts for at least three hours a day and extends for 3 to four weeks. This situation can bring you to a tense and anxious state of emotion.

But as discussed, there are things you can do about colic behaviours. It is either you consult with a paediatrician or apply soothing techniques for your baby, like strolling him out of the house. If he is fed by formula, keeping him full without extra gas in his stomach helps to reduce his colic behaviours.

Colic behaviour is not alarming unless medical reasons are identified. But one thing to consider does not go impatient or angry while attempting to stop him from crying hard.

Also Checkout : The Best Home Remedies For Colic Pain In Babies