What Are The Most Famous Dishes And Pastries From Liliha Bakery?

Liliha Bakery

Have you ever visited the Liliha bakery? If not, you must know that this Hawaiian restaurant makes the tastiest Coco puffs and Cream Puffs. They have a lot of branches, but the Takakuwa family opened the original Bakery in 1950. It has been serving its delicious pastries and dishes for customers since the 1950s, and many of its locations are iconic. 

Their chocolate cream puffs are made with Chantilly frosting, which is the talk of the town. It balances perfectly the sweetness and saltiness that satisfies your palette. Also, you can feel the chocolate explosion in your mouth. The Bakery’s other famous dishes are Chantilly Cake, Poi mochi doughnuts, Butter rolls and much more. 

Know about some of their famous dishes below. 

Most Famous Dishes And Pastries From Liliha Bakery

  • Coco puff

Coco puff from Liliha Bakery tastes like Manna from heaven. The Bakery serves it cold. It consists of three major components. The first one is the Choux pastry shell which is soft yet holds the Coco puff together. The second one is creamy and rich milk Chocolate pudding filling. 

Coco puff

Further, the third component is the Chantilly which means whipped cream. But the whipped cream used in the Coco puff is special. It is a Hawaiian whipped cream that is golden in color because of the combination of sugar, butter, and egg yolks. So Chantilly is the frosting for Coco puff that serves as its highlight. It has a unique salty and sugary taste. Plus, its texture is gritty and buttery. As a result of these amazing components, you will become Liliha Bakery’s Coco puff addict. 

  • Poi mochi doughnuts

The Poi mochi doughnuts are small balls prepared with poi, mochiko flour, coconut milk, and sugar. Liliha Bakery deep fries the poi balls, and they turn golden brown and crispy. The insides of the balls remain soft, gummy, chewy and extremely delicious. You can order this perfect snack from the Bakery. It is one of the specialties. 

  • Loco moco

It is a traditional dish and an important part of Hawaiian cuisine. This dish was invented for teenagers who wanted to try something different than the usual American sandwiches. It is a simple dish with three layers of rice, a Sunnyside-up egg and a hamburger patty filled with savory gravy. So it is one of the best meals you can ever have. 

Loco moco

You must follow this process when eating the dish for the ultimate experience. It would help if you gently broke the egg to blend it with the burger, egg, rice, and gravy. So each bite will taste heavenly. 

  • Oxtail soup

This dish is also one of the famous delicacies in Liliha Bakery. The Oxtail soup is thick, and the main ingredient is a cow’s tail. The dish does not have any beef pieces, only the soup. The thick tail takes a long time to cook, but the end product is a comforting soup. So order this amazing dish from the Bakery for your lunch or dinner. 

  • Hamburger steak

It is a meat dish containing lean ground beef and seasonings. The patties are seared properly and heated in the gravy. Hamburger steak became a popular dish after the ninetieth century. Now it is the favorite of beef lovers all around the world. So certainly eat the juicy and tender Hamburger steak from Liliha. 

  • Butter rolls

If you like to enjoy Butter rolls fresh out of the oven, try the dish from Liliha Bakery. You can spot it in the Bakery section. They will serve the Butter rolls split in half. There will be no shortage of butter on both sides. You can lap it up like a cat. To make it more irresistible, they grill the Butter rolls until they turn brown and crisp. So very yummy! 

  • Waffles 

If you crave waffles, try the extra thin and soft waffles from the Bakery. It is thin and crisp and has lots of butter. You can also buy the batter on-the-go. Plus, they also offer waffles with the signature Chantilly sauce. You will certainly love this combination. 

  • Saimin

Try the traditional bowl of Hawaiian Saimin. It is a simple and satisfying dish. They will also offer kamaboko, corn, ham, green onions and nori. As an add-on, you can get garlic shrimp. These are a delight to eat. 

End thoughts 

Liliha Bakery is an amazing place to try authentic and delicious Hawaiian dishes and pastries. You will feel the taste of the beach and the fresh air. 

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