Dressing tables are an often-overlooked piece of furniture that can really make a difference to a bedroom, with countless different designs and general shapes to consider if you are looking to buy one. However, for many people, actually choosing the right design is not all that easy.
There is a huge range of dressing table options out there, some of which offer incredibly specific quirks or useful extra features that alter how they function practically. Beyond that, there are many that stick to a specific design or try to fit in with an overarching furniture line by the same company.
Whether you are looking for a standard traditional style, something with lots of detail, or a quirky design that will liven up your room, here are the main things to bear in mind when choosing one. A lot of dressing tables have specific features that can make them the perfect choice for certain bedrooms.
Size should naturally always be your first concern. A table that is too large will become inconvenient, and that is if you can even fit it into your bedroom in the first place. A smaller bedroom will be under a lot more hard limits with the size of furniture that you buy for it.
However, even in larger bedrooms, your existing furniture might only leave you with so much space for a new dressing table. It is important to get accurate measurements (and to always over-estimate them slightly) since this will help you avoid buying furniture that is too large to use.
This is arguably the biggest thing to consider when choosing a dressing table. The design is usually the most obvious and unique part of the dressing table, even more so than the actual practical features.
A dressing table can make a great visual focal point in your room, but at the same time, it is important to note that it is still just another piece of furniture. As long as it fits, it should be fine – but an ill-fitting bit of furniture can become far more annoying than you might first thing.
While you should never obsess over the design too much, it is very easy to get sidetracked and not think about the design at all. Too much focus on design means that you will overlook important features, but too little focus can land you with a dressing table that completely ruins the look and feel of your own bedroom.
Storage is going to be the biggest deciding factor for most people, especially in shared bedrooms or smaller spaces that need to maximize the total storage potential. More storage requires a larger dressing table, but different designs will also make better (or worse) use of their size.
For example, some may be storage-focused at the expense of having a streamlined style. Others will be the opposite, with large and bold designs that focus more on aesthetics than actual capacity. Either can work, but it really depends on the space itself and how you plan to use the table.
Remember that storage does not just include drawers. It can also be extra layers, the space underneath the dressing table, or any number of other additional features and quirks. Even a built-in cup holder could count as storage, as could a cable tidy hole or various other additions.
Many dressing tables contain built-in mirrors, mostly meant for use with cosmetics. These can be great multi-purpose additions but also tend to make the tables slightly bulkier. Others have the mirror as a removable or optional piece, but a large majority either have them or do not have them.
These mirrors can be great for a range of purposes and are usually quite easy to work with since they are often part of the frame. Of course, they also add something that might be highly breakable and can take up some extra wall space right above the dressing table itself.
On top of that, not everybody wants a mirror. Whether it is because you already have a suitable mirror or because you just do not want one out of personal preference, paying extra for an optional mirror that you will simply detach or cover up does not make a lot of sense.
Optional extras
As well as mirrors and storage, there are a number of additional optional features to consider that can make dressing tables a little bit more unique. These range from integrated lighting and reading lamps to drawers and draw tables to the addition of extra shelves. Again, it is up to personal preference as to whether these are must-have features or something you would happily ignore.
It is still important to consider the full range of features when comparing dressing tables. Some are going to bump the price up higher or potentially even limit how you can modify the dressing table on your own, while others are just generally useful features that will never become an active problem.
For example, a reading light is not usually going to get in the way, especially if it is on top of a mirror. However, a set of small top-surface shelves on one side of the table might limit the amount of open space it actually has on top, which could make it harder to use comfortably in a smaller room.
Common Sense
Like a lot of furniture for interior design and home improvement projects, you can usually pick out a good dressing table just through common sense and some careful thinking. It is a good idea not to over-complicate things too much – simple oak dressing tables might sound bland, but they can fit in a huge range of rooms and countless different aesthetic styles.
A big factor in just how good any particular design looks and functions and how worthwhile any particular set of features is will come down to the actual size and space you are working with. Ultimately, however, you should pick a design that you think will work best for your room and personal preferences.
Just remember that there is no perfect dressing table for every bedroom and that you should choose something that suits your style and needs properly. Sometimes a simple and reliable choice is better than trying to force a high-quality furniture piece into a bedroom that really does not match it.
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