Best 7 simple steps to successfully implement new strategies

implement new strategies

The introduction and implementation of new strategies (processes, practices, values, etc.) can be a challenge even in a relatively small company, not to mention a large business. However, having a clearly defined action plan, the process of introducing innovations can be quick and painless. We offer a fairly simple multistage algorithm that will help solve your problem.

#1. All new plans must be consistent among the company’s existing benefits.

If one of the company’s values is a 100% commitment to excellence in customer service through honesty and compassion for its neighbors, then launching a new marketing strategy based on understatement and the desire to get the blind commitment of young people will be problematic. After all, a new idea goes against everything that you have postulated up to this point.

The fact is that your employees are also people, and they chose your company not only for a good salary but also because it corresponded to their ideas variance tv of ideal work. And if you change the vector, then your best people may disagree with such a turn and leave the company. You will lose not only qualified personnel, but also your reputation, and after them, money (and maybe business as a whole).

#2. A strictly limited number of changes in a certain period.

No need to change everything and run. Think about the fact that it will be very difficult for your people to reorganize to work in a new way, they will feel lost, divorced from their usual ways, they will be nervous and fussing. So, they will not work effectively. Get the whole program of changes cut down into thematic groups and the money themselves be included gradually, a new dose is added just after people get applied to the previous one and bring their actions to automatism.

#3. Strong leadership actions

Company executives should be part of the change process, not just consultants who help with advice when something goes wrong. Leaders can be the main reason why the locomotive of innovation does not move from the rails on the path to success and change. There are two explanations for this:

First, they can turn out to be terrible retrogrades and not see the point in all these changes brought down from above. Consequently, they will infect team members with their skepticism.

Secondly, the management often thinks that it must sit on the throne while the attendants are engaged in the implementation of new strategies. People do not see the involvement of leadership and stop working in the indicated direction.

#4. A constant reminder of the importance of new strategies.

In a company, everyone usually works on their task and does not see the picture as a whole. Because of this, sometimes it seems that every chosen way does not return any results. Besides, most people do not like change (greetings from our distant ancestors who fear everything new, alien and unknown, because this was the condition for their survival). Therefore, constantly remind the staff how important for you the current process of making changes in the company’s activities and accentuate any, even the most insignificant successes.

#5. Training and informational support

People may feel insecure when introducing innovations if they lack knowledge, information or competence to solve problems in a new way. Allow them to fill these gaps and feel more confident. Individual courses are ideal, but open access to the Internet to relevant forums or a remote consultant is also quite suitable.

#6. Flexibility in solutions

The change plan should always be kept in front of the eyes, but at the same time remain flexible enough to make changes and perform more effective actions, if such an opportunity arises in the process of innovation input. The ability to adjust the plan is something that will help your people feel more confident if something goes wrong. No one likes being driven into tight frames, and moving in a boat without oars to the waterfall is even more so.

#7. Praise

Success should not go unnoticed. Everyone loves being praised. And if they praise at such a crucial moment, then it is doubly valuable. Be sure to note the achievements of your staff in the process of introducing new strategies. This will show people that it is quite possible to achieve the goal and inspire them to work harder in a given direction.