Accra is becoming a Haven for Pizza Brands


10 years ago, Accra only had a few handful of pizza brands which were mostly located in busy areas and at the Accra mall. Fast ward to 2019, Accra is now a haven for pizza brands. Virtually in every neighborhood you find a pizza brand, sometimes you find as much as 3 or 4 in one location.

I think the rise in pizza brands has been due to the fact that Ghanaians in generally have become accustomed to eating pizza and also largely due to the high number of foreigners trooping into the city.

Even though most of the pizza brands you find around now are international brands, the local brands are not left behind and are really doing amazing and pulling in the crowd too. One of the top local brands is the Papa’s Pizza which can be found in about 3 -5 different locations with the Accra city.

I have tasted the Papa’s pizza twice and it was lovely but mostly I rather go for international brands. When I first came to Accra, the first Pizza I tasted was the one made by the Pizza Inn at the Accra mall. 

Since then I have never stopped. Sometimes when I want to travel to Nigeria, I buy some and take along with me since it’s just an hour plus flight from Accra city to Abuja city. 

When I get home I just warm it and eat it with my beautiful family who always tell me to bring some along whenever am coming back home.

There are so many Pizza brands now in Accra ranging from:

  • Pizza Inn – Pizza Inn can be found mostly in all Shoprite malls around the city. And they do have their independent shops too, like the one in OSU which is also close to the other Pizza Inn at the OSU Shoprite mall. I think Pizza Inn is the leader in Pizza delicacies in Accra because every Pizza eating individual in Accra have definitely tasted the Pizza from Pizza Inn.
  • Papa’s Pizza – I first tasted the Papa’s Pizza a few years after I tried the one from Pizza Inn. It was me and my friends which they actually suggested that we try it. And wow, it was really a delicious experience. Though the Papa’s Pizza is not an international brand, their whole experience does fee and taste like an international brand.
  • Eddy’s Pizza – I only tried this once but I have from friends that it’s actually delicious which actually made me to try it and I loved it. I visited the shop at ring road in Accra. They might not be that big as Pizza Hut or Pizza Inn, but they are really trying and doing amazing. I think first visited the shop somewhere around 2010.
  • Mama Mia Pizza – This is another wonderful Pizza brand located at OSU but I haven’t yet tried it. However they offer delicious variety of Pizza to choose from.
  • Pizza Hut – This is another international brand that is well known far and wide for their expertise in delivering one of the best Pizza you can find around. I visited the one at the Accra mall.
  • Barita’s Pizza – This is another Pizza joint owned by foreigners in Accra offering a variety of different Pizza to choose from.

These are some of the few brands among the many Pizza brands you could actually find in Accra and trust none of the above is left behind in offering mouth-watering delicious Pizza in Accra.