9 Important Pedestrian Safety Tips You Need to Know


Almost 6000 pedestrians died in 2017 from accidents. That’s why pedestrian safety is more important than ever. 

Pedestrian safety tips can help you understand where the most accidents occur. It helps make you more aware of what you can do to help ensure your safety. 

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Here are 9 important pedestrian safety tips that can make you more aware of safety rules and why pedestrian accidents happen in the first place. 

  1. Crossing the Street Safety 

When you cross the street, the most important thing to do is to look both ways. It’s a basic way to ensure your safety. 

Looking both ways before you cross the street ensures that no cars are coming. 

  1. Take the Crosswalk

The crosswalk is designed as a place for pedestrians to walk. It’s a pathway for them to cross and to show cars that pedestrians may be walking on that pathway

  1. Try Eye Contact

If you start crossing the street and notice a driver who isn’t slowing down, it’s important to try and make eye contact and see if they notice you. 

When you make eye contact, it’s showing that they recognize you as a pedestrian and if you are crossing the street.

  1. Watch Out for Backing Cars

If you see a car in the parking lot with their lights on, you should be careful because they might be backing up.

It’s important to stop and wait until the driver sees you before passing behind a car. 

  1. Put the Phone Down

Over a million accidents occur because someone is on their phone while they are driving. Likewise, being on your phone as a pedestrian can distract you from oncoming traffic or a car that doesn’t see you crossing the street. 

The point is, put the phone down. 

  1. Be More Alert With Headphones

Headphones can also be distracting depending on how loud they are.

That’s why it’s important if you are walking around to be more alert, especially if you can’t hear much noise outside of your headphones. 

  1. Wear Reflective Material

Wearing reflective material is good practice. It helps drivers see pedestrians more clearly, especially if the person walking or jogging is wearing bright yellow or orange colors. 

If you’re riding a bicycle, it’s also important to have reflector lights. 

  1. Have a Flashlight at Night

Always have a flashlight at night because it can help you see oncoming traffic, especially if the vehicle forgets to have their lights on at night. It helps pedestrians see anything that they may be blindsided by.

  1. Avoid Alcohol 

Alcohol can impair judgment, especially for pedestrians who may have to walk home after a fun night with friends. 

That’s why it’s important to sober up or avoid alcohol so you can avoid any serious accidents. 

If you want more information on pedestrian safety, you can read this news article

Why Pedestrian Safety Tips Are Helpful

Pedestrian safety tips are important because there are many ways you can get hurt as a pedestrian. There are many ways cars don’t see pedestrians. 

When you understand these pedestrian tips and the value of them, you increase your safety and can help make others more aware of pedestrian safety tips. 

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