9 Common Questions About Car Insurance

Car Insurance

Owning a vehicle is a need rather than a luxury as people need mobility to get from one place to another. Therefore, car insurance is a mandatory requirement to own and operate a vehicle. Car insurance helps to protect you and your car in a wide range of incidents dependent on the type of coverage that you have taken out. 

Several factors go into determining your car insurance needs such as the type of vehicle you own, credit score, personal financial priorities, driving record, age, gender, and your budget. The most common questions about car insurance coverage will arise at the point of finding suitable insurance coverage or after the occurrence of an incident. 

Before you settle for a car insurance policy, you need to evaluate how you will be using your car and the risks associated with that type of usage. You will get a good idea of what options you will be looking at when comparing policies from different insurance providers. After purchasing the insurance option that meets your needs, you can rest easy knowing that you will not suffer financial distress or loss if an accident or other incident happens. 

The following are common questions about car insurance that will help you in choosing suitable car insurance coverage and knowing what to do if anything was to happen to your car.  

How much driving do you do? The answer to this question will help in finding a policy that matches how much you will be using your car. Some people need to use their car daily for activities such as commuting to work, driving children to school, and other day-to-day activities. Do you usually drive 100 miles, below 1000 miles, or above 1000 miles every month? If you do not drive a lot, you should choose mileage-based insurance that will perfectly meet your needs. 

Are you going to use the car for work activities? If you use your car for work activities such as ferrying raw materials or other goods, you should consider getting commercial car insurance. Additionally, personal car insurance will not provide sufficient coverage for cars used for delivery of goods, ride-sharing services, courier services, and any other commercial activities

What type of car are you driving and how does it affect insurance coverage? The type of car you own and drive is a significant factor when it comes to acquiring car insurance. Surex has amassed lots of data and precise details about every make and model of the car. Therefore, they know exactly what every type of car may present in terms of claims and the average cost of claims. For example, a sports car is likely to be stolen compared to a mid-sized sedan. On the other hand, sports cars have bigger engines and elaborate paintwork which is likely to attract higher costs in claims to the insurer. Your car insurance policy will be priced to reflect the cost of the car and its risk profile. 

In some cases, classic cars and modified cars require special car insurance for sufficient coverage. It is not all bad news though, you will have big discounts for owning a safe car that has all the latest safety features and impeccable safety record. 

What amount of coverage do I need? Different categories of people love and treat their vehicles differently. People who truly love their cars and take pride in owning them will want the assurance that the vehicle will be repaired to a high standard or replaced with the same model. Such people will go for the full range of car insurance including collision insurance and comprehensive insurance. On the other hand, people whose value for a car is purely transportation and see it as a beater will choose to have liability car insurance – the bare minimum under the law. 

Does the insurance policy cover other people who will be driving your car? Car insurance should cover occasional drivers using your car. Ensure that other drivers who live with you such as a spouse, children, or housemate are listed on the policy. 

What are my legal obligations? Every province has regulations that spell the minimum liability coverage that you should have when operating your vehicle on the road. The levels of required coverage are generally very low and you should aspire to have sufficient coverage to avoid paying out of your pocket if an accident occurs. 

What are my insurance options if the car is leased or financed? You should insure the car for its full value especially if you owe money on the car or have to return it in impeccable condition at the end of the lease. The chosen insurance coverage should take care of any gap between the market value of the car and what you owe. Therefore, you should get full coverage to include collision and comprehensive covers as well as supplemental gap insurance just in case there are gaps in replacement.

Does where I live or park my car count to insurance premiums? Did you know that where you live has an impact on insurance rates? Where you live determines the type and amount of coverage you need to purchase for your car. If you park your car on the street, there is a higher risk of being stolen or vandalized. Your insurance provider will increase their rates to cover the risk or may require that you take out comprehensive coverages. Car insurance premium rates are actually lower in the suburb compared to in the city. 

Does the car insurance cover a hit-and-run? Car insurance should protect you and meet the costs of repair of damage caused by a hit-and-run accident. Collision coverage will pay for all repairs such as a broken window glass, whereas medical payment coverage will cover the costs of medical treatment for your injuries.

Read Also : The Types of Insurance Everyone Should Have