8 Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainable Lifestyle

Around 11% of the global population suffers from climate change impact, including floods, droughts, and rising sea levels.

Aside from reaching out to your government, living sustainably is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. Perhaps you’re eager to live a sustainable lifestyle, but you’re not sure where to start.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are eight tips to help you. 

1. Save Energy

The first step on how to be more sustainable is being vigilant about your energy use.

Always turn off lights when they’re not in use and be mindful about your vampire electronics which drain energy even when they’re off. This includes televisions, AC units, and battery chargers. 

Also, make sure your HVAC system isn’t automated because it will heat or cool your home when you’re out. Instead, adjust your thermostat so it turns off while you’re at work. Not only do you save the world, but also a fortune.  

If you can, swap to a green electricity supplier so your home is fueled by wind or solar energy. You can also install solar panels or choose solar water heating while enjoying plenty of tax credits. 

2. Eat Less Meat 

Don’t know how to eat sustainably? Start by reducing your meat consumption, or if you have the willpower, go vegan. Or at least veggie!

The meat and dairy industry accounts for around 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which proves it’s an unsustainable practice. Asking the global population to ditch meat is unrealistic, but there are ways you can help.

For instance, try a “Meat-free Monday” where you whip up a delicious veggie meal for your family or only eat steak on the weekend. If that’s impossible, buy from your local butcher as they source homegrown, sustainable cattle. Plus, you support your community so it’s a win-win!

3. Recycle Your Waste 

Those who want to learn how to be environmentally friendly should start with their garbage. Make sure you recycle your plastic, aluminum waste, and glass bottles so they can be re-used. And don’t forget to recycle your batteries and electronic devices, otherwise, they end up at a landfill.

You should also reduce your food waste. Instead of chucking out leftovers, store them in Tupperware for you to enjoy the next day. And throw your meat, bread, and cooked grains in the freezer so they last longer. 

4. Conserve Water

You can also learn how to be eco-friendly by conserving water. For instance, turn off the faucet when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your hands, and you’ll be surprised how much water you’ll save. 

Further, limit your showers to 15 minutes and if you notice a leaky faucet, hire a professional to fix it immediately. Also, only run full loads in your dishwasher or washing machine and if you’re using an old appliance, upgrade to an energy-efficient one. 

And if you’re a sucker for bottled water, swap to tap water. These corporations vilify tap water, even though it’s cheaper and cities constantly run tests to ensure the water is safe to drink. If you’re hesitant, reach out to your council to learn more. 

5. Go Paperless

More companies and households are going paperless, thanks to the rise of smartphones. Start by switching to online bank statements and when you travel, download an e-ticket instead.

You should also ask your utility or phone provider whether you can pay online, so you’re not inundated with mail. And when you’re shopping in person, ask whether you can receive a receipt via email instead.  

6. Donate and Buy Used Items

If you’re not sure how to live sustainably, make a habit of donating and only shopping at thrift stores.

Declutter your closet and you’ll be surprised how many good-quality clothes you have to donate. You should also do this with old furniture and kid’s toys. 

When you do buy items, choose ethical and sustainable brands like Shelf as they source eco-friendly materials for their products. Avoid fast-fashion retailers and before buying clothes, ask yourself whether you’d wear it 30 times. If not, put it back. 

Another great idea is organizing a clothes swap with your friends. Invite everyone over with their unwanted clothes so you can all rummage through the garments. You never know, your unwanted clothes may be someone else’s treasure.  

7. Buy Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products 

Many cleaning agents are packed with harmful chemicals that can harm the environment around us. Drain cleaners, air fresheners, and bleach are all culprits.

Luckily, a range of eco-friendly cleaning agents has emerged, whether it’s detergent or all-purpose cleaning products. Or, if you want to keep it au natural, baking soda and white vinegar are your best friends.  

8. Use Public Transport

Give your car the day off and use public transport to get to work. And if you live nearby, try walking or cycling several times a week. A bonus is you can mentally prepare yourself for work by listening to a podcast or enjoying a book. 

If that isn’t feasible, consider carpooling with your neighbors and combine errands so you make fewer trips. You should also regularly service your car and pump your tires as it will increase your fuel efficiency. 

Our Sustainable Lifestyle Tips

Hopefully, you now know how to live a sustainable lifestyle.  

Find ways to save energy, whether it’s swapping to a green electricity supplier or choosing energy-efficient appliances. You should also use public transport, reduce your meat consumption, and donate any unused items. Good luck! 

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