5 Tips For Proper Pest Management

Pest Management

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, invasive insects cost the world economy $70 billion. Pests cost the world 20-40% of its total crop production each year. Think about how many hungry people those crops could feed.

As a farmer, you know how much crop loss impacts your profitability. You are always at war with invasive species and other pests to protect your crops and your income.

You need quality pest management. Do you know how to do it? Read on for five tips to improve your pest control.

1. Pest Preventing Plants

While growing crops requires in-depth pest control methods, your first line of defense against harmful insects is other plants. You can boost your yield without harsh chemicals by strategically growing various herbs and flowers.

  • Garlic wards off Japanese beetles and deer
  • Basil keeps you clear of flies and mosquitos
  • Lavender also keeps you clear of flies while attracting crop helping bees
  • Alliums control cabbage worms, slugs, and other produce munching insects

The best part about exterminating pests with these plants? Your crops look great, and you have the added benefit of delicious herbs. Your crops and your stomach will thank you.

2. Crop Rotation

One of the foundations for maintaining healthy soil and improving yield is crop rotation, but it isn’t necessary for growing crops. Doing so will help starve and ward off invasive insects.

For example, corn rootworm larvae develop in corn crops. You can stop their growth by planting soybeans or alfalfa for one to two years after growing corn.

Crop rotation works best in large farming areas. Smaller farms and gardens may need a different method for clearing farm pests.

3. Biological Methods

Farmers use insects to kill other insects, and this pest control method has existed since the ancient Chinese.

Ants feed on the caterpillars, beetles, and other hungry bugs who feast on citrus buds. Certain bacteria can control gypsy moths, potato beetles, and other problem-causing insects.

With biological controls, you harness the natural ecosystem to keep your crops healthy. The USDA has strict guidelines for what insects you can use to control your crops to prevent an invasive species outbreak.

4. Physical Protection

Crop pests look for a host to eat. One of the best ways to prevent insects from devouring your crops is to build a physical barrier. If they can’t reach their food source, they’ll disappear.

Greenhouses with window screens, floating row covers, and crop collars can keep those pesky bugs away from your plants.

5. Chemical Prevention

Large farms benefit the most from chemical pest prevention. These chemicals, toxic to insects, are easy to spray and cover a large area.

Insecticides, however, continue to garner bad press. Some cause harm to the humans who consume these crops. If you’re interested in using insecticides, using a certified organic product will make all the difference.

Grandevo WDG Bioinsecticide is the best insecticide on the market.

Pest Management Saves Your Crops

Pest management is crucial for growing healthy fruits and vegetables no matter if you’re a farmer or home gardener. Consider these five methods to save your crops and save your profit.

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