5 Most Common Running Injuries to Avoid

Running Injuries

If you’re thinking about getting into cardio, you should not feel intimidated. The recommended length and frequency of cardio for most people is around 30 minutes per session, four to five times a week.

Many cardio beginners like to take up running because it requires less equipment and allows you to get outside more often. However, be aware of these common running injuries, and stay on the lookout for them so you know what to do.

1. Shin Splints

When you first start running, it is vital that you take it slow and work up to your goals. Too much stress on your body can cause injuries like shin splints, which can lead to serious problems such as stress fractures.

If you have pain and swelling along your shinbone, take a few days off to rest and recover.

2. Sprained Ankle

When the ligaments and muscles in your ankle stretch too far, it can cause a muscle sprain. Sprained ankles are one of the most common foot injuries for runners because they usually happen when the foot rolls on accident.

If you like to run on trails or bumpy terrain, always keep an eye on your footing so that you do not end up with a sprained ankle in the middle of nowhere. You can decrease your chances by slowing down and using shoes designed for trail running.

3. Runner’s Knee

Aptly known as “runner’s knee,” this condition deals with the pain on the front of your kneecap. Even if you feel you’re not overworking yourself, knee pain can be a result of simply overexertion on one or both of your knees.

If you suffer from runner’s knee, then you may need to work with a physical therapist to figure out the best treatment plan. While your knee heals, try doing lower impact cardio as a replacement.

4. Tendonitis

Tendonitis occurs when you overexert your muscles and tendons, leading to swelling, tenderness, and redness. Unlike most minor injuries, tendonitis is serious and may require a detailed treatment plan. Sometimes this can involve surgery.

For runners, the most common type of tendonitis occur in the Achille’s heel region, between your heel and your calf muscle.

5. Stress Fractures

When you run, you put a lot of weight on your legs and especially your feet. One of the types of running injuries that isn’t talked about a lot is a stress fracture. This is a hairline fracture that cracks your bone.

Like any broken bone, you’ll need to stay off your fractured foot until it heels. Your doctor may even have you wear a cast to keep it still so the bone can fuse properly.

Avoid These Common Running Injuries

When you go on a run, you should not have to worry about painful injuries. By knowing these common running injuries, you can be prepared for any situation and get back on your feet in no time with proper rest and treatment.

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