Why Are Energy Bills Increasing

electricity bills

There are several reasons why electricity bills are increasing. Some reasons are due to changes in the energy market functions, while others are due to external factors such as weather conditions.

One reason for increased electricity bills is the rise in fuel prices. This has been driven, in part, by the price increases of oil. Another reason is the increase in the number of households connected to the grid. As more people come on board, electricity demand rises, which drives electricity prices.

Asian woman working through paperwork

While there are several factors that can affect your energy bill, here we explore some of the main reasons why your bill might be going up. From rising energy costs to increased use of heating, find out what could be causing your higher electricity costs.

Why Are Electricity Prices Going Up?

A significant increase in wholesale natural gas prices (the price paid by energy companies) since October 2021 is the primary factor in the price hike. As the world slowly begins to unlock its doors again, and as other economic variables take effect, gas and electricity prices have risen to an all-time high. This means that many households will see an increase in their power bills as a result of fluctuations in wholesale pricing.

The Energy Price Guarantee protects every residential customer in the United Kingdom. Additional government aid has been announced for those who do not qualify for the guarantee because they use off-grid fuel, are part of a heat network, or live in a park house.

Why are wholesale costs rising around the world?

Supply and demand have been disrupted by a number of external causes, driving higher prices. This situation has been described as “the perfect storm” by some experts. The latest factor in skyrocketing energy prices is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia is the world’s largest natural gas exporter and the world’s second-largest exporter of crude oil, both of which are essential for meeting the energy needs of people around the globe. After Russia invaded Ukraine in February, the United States, European Union, and the United Kingdom imposed sanctions on Russian oil and gas exports.

A male electrician works in a switchboard with an electrical connecting cable

Prior to that, prices were already high because of the strain on supplies brought on by the freezing winter in Europe over the previous year. As a result, there is far less gas in storage than usual. Due to the hot weather, more gas was utilized for air cooling in Asia, decreasing gas exports from Russia to northwest Europe. This trend began before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many countries are affected by this.

Will The High Energy Charges Continue to Increase?

According to Utility Regulator CEO, John French, it is expected that wholesale pricing, which determines what we pay as customers, will remain at an “unparalleled high” for the next three years.

When asked about the possibility of lower wholesale pricing, he said, “If wholesale prices begin to decrease, our regulation system in Northern Ireland allows us to intervene to make sure that reductions are passed onto consumers as swiftly as feasible.”

Mr French warned that governments at Stormont and Westminster, along with regulators and suppliers, will need to help customers cope with rising energy costs for the next two winters.

Why has the UK been particularly affected?

The energy crisis has a global impact, but the United Kingdom is especially vulnerable to rising gas prices due to various factors.

Concept of payment for heating rise in heating prices

To begin, gas boilers are the most common home heating source (used by around 85% of households), and gas-fired power plants account for about 40% of the nation’s energy production. And secondly, these rates are much greater than any other European nation. Third, the insulation in British homes is subpar compared to the rest of Europe. According to the IMF’s most recent study, British households have been hurt the most in Western Europe.

What Can You Do About This Energy Price Hike?

If you’re feeling the pinch from rising living expenses, the government may provide a few programs to help.

Energy Price Guarantee

A typical household’s annual electricity bill will be roughly £2,500 until April 2023, thanks to the Energy Price Guarantee’s caps on electricity and gas unit prices.

Your total bill will be calculated based on your energy consumption; the limit applies solely to the per-unit price. This means your bill might be less than £2,500 if you use less energy or more than £2,500 if you use more.

Liquid petroleum gas, heating oil, and off-grid fuels

An additional £100 will be made available to households who aren’t connected to the natural gas grid and heat with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or heating oil.

Park homes and heat networks

Households that heat with LPG or heating oil instead of the natural gas grid will receive an extra payment of £100 per year.

How is the business industry impacted?

Businesses have expressed concern over the “cost of doing business crisis,” which they attribute to the cumulative effects of rising energy costs, the uncertainty caused by Brexit and COVID-19, and the persistent issue of low productivity. There is a danger of layoffs or business failure in the current environment due to the inability to pass on rising costs to customers fully. The exact nature of this risk varies depending on the industry and the nature of the business.

Electricity high voltage pole and sky

In response, aid for companies was also announced. After the initial six months, vulnerable enterprises will receive more assistance. Many have proposed taxing the well-off in the name of “solidarity” or “windfall” in order to cover the cost of energy subsidies for the less fortunate.

Final Thoughts

Although many factors play into why electricity bills continue to increase, it is important to be proactive in finding ways to reduce your usage and save money. You can do many things right now to start saving on your electricity bill, so don’t wait any longer. Get started today!

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